Speaker 2
They've used the violence against women thing, but I mean, in terms of the abortion thing specifically, there has not been much capitalizing on that from the Warnock camp. And you have to think that some kind of a calculation.
Speaker 1
I, I think what more can they say? You know, it's one of those things where I, I think the calculus there is, you know, that old line don't interrupt your opponent when they're self destructing kind of thing that, that it's so out there and overwhelming and clear, you know, we're not getting into the mix can only conceivably make it, oh, you know, don't throw stones in glass houses and, you know, whoever's pure and all that kind of, you know, you just nothing you can add, I mean, people in the state of Georgia are face pretty, are face pretty clearly. Okay, this one guy has at best a severe personality disorder. He's chronically violent. He has like, you know, a significant percentage of Gen Z population in Georgia is his offspring, apparently, right? And he, and he kind of, you know, supports those children under duress at best. And he seems, you know, his own, his own supporters kind of say, well, you know, he's not always clear, but think how many concussions he had. How would you be holding up, right? I mean, that's the question. Is that, you know, are you okay with that? And what can, what can Warnock possibly add?
Speaker 2
Well, I mean, the other thing that the Walker story has just made abundantly clear, which has always been known by people who follow the abortion space is that there is a small, hardcore anti-abortion group that I really do think considers abortion to be murder. But that group is so much smaller than we think it is because all of the kind of surrounding Republicans and Republican stakeholders adopt that language and adopt that posture and paint themselves as similar, you know, kind of quote warriors for the unborn children kind of thing. But the second, and I mean the second, this Walker story broke, all of that was out the window and you had people saying, people grow, people change, you know, let's not judge a man on his past mistakes. And it's like, you profess to believe that abortion is the same thing as killing a small child. And your reaction to the revelation that the candidate aided and abetted the murder of a small child is to say, well, that was 10 years ago, things have changed, you