Speaker 1
I'm not gonna lie, the beat kind of slops. Like I can kind of have it stuck in my head. Um, a little bit. Okay, so let me say a couple nice things. One, the beat slops two. Um, he actually has IRL, a beautiful voice. You know, he was on Broadway. He's an actor that's actually part of why he has been able to don this character of being a girl. So easily and seamlessly. And that's how he accomplishes the like, doe-eyed, poor me persona. But sometimes you see it. Sometimes it comes through and you're like, Oh, ah, scary. Um, so I will say that like he actually has a beautiful voice behind all this auto tune and the computerization of his voice. He has a beautiful clear Broadway voice. This does a huge disservice to that. But the reason why I want to talk about this is not to like promote him, but I just want to talk about what he thinks and what I think a lot of men who identify as the opposite sex, what they actually think womanhood is. So he's saying these are the days of girlhood. And as you know, he did the whole 365 days of girlhood thing where he went on TikTok. And he's had like facial feminization surgery and all of that. Um, so here's what being a girl means to him. And by the way, like also you can just hear in the tune and in the music video that this is supposed to appeal to young girls. Um, so he says, Monday can't get out of bed Tuesday morning, pick up meds. And then they open a medicine cabinet and you got a bunch of prescriptions. Cursed, cursed. Oh my gosh. That's so awful. Um, Wednesday retail therapy cash or credit, I say, yes, Thursday had a walk of shame. Okay. So being a woman is being a hoe to him and being mentally unwell. So check and check. Um, okay, didn't even know his name. Weekends are for kissing friends Friday night all over spends. Okay. Saturday we flirt for drinks, plan wingman to our twinks. Sunday, the twilight soundtrack used my breakdown in the bath. Okay. So mentally unstable, financially irresponsible hoe bags. That's what Dylan Mulvaney thinks that it means to be a woman. Mom brought me into the world. She said, he said sister taught me how to girl. Best friend coached me how to text the boy toy that I'm dating next. Girls do all show me the way they're why I am a girl today. So that's what Dylan Mulvaney, someone who I think probably hates women and thinks of women, uh, just in very honestly misogynistic terms. That's what he thinks of femininity. That's what he thinks it means to be a female. Of course he will never ever be a woman. He will never ever be a girl. He has not experienced a girlhood. He do he does not know what it's liked grow up as a girl. He grew up as a boy and he grew into a man and he still is a man and got him made him that way. And that is good. Uh, he is made in the image of God. He matters. He has value and I want him to know that about himself. I'm also very concerned that he very much looks like he has an eating disorder and I don't say that lightly. I don't know if I've ever even said that, but that is something that is on display that I'm genuinely concerned about. I'm concerned about what's going on behind the scenes. It's obvious. Look, it's obvious in this music video that he is very masculine and that he is a man and that is something to embrace that can never change. No matter what surgeries you go through, no matter what hormones you have, you will always be a man and that is good. It is good to be a man. I know society sometimes tells us differently, um, but it is good to be a man. And so I just want, I want him to embrace that about himself to embrace the fact that he has been made in the image of God to embrace the fact that Christ died for him, that he can be made alive, alive by grace through faith and Christ. Like that gospel is accessible to him. He matters just as much as everyone else and him not only flaunting this degeneracy himself as a way to make himself feel better about the choices that he's made, but also promoting that to other people to children. Um, that is a dark, dark sign of the times that I just pray for God's mercy. I really, really do. So let's keep praying for Mr. Nillan Mulvaney. Um, okay, let me just tell you about our last thing. And then we will head out of here for the week and be back here on Monday. Um, okay, blaze originals. They've got their third installment in the blaze originals series available only to play TV subscribers, Texas versus the feds, how the elites are using the border crisis against us. So you might remember that there was like a border standoff a few weeks ago. And we didn't know what was happening with that. Basically, Texas was like, I'm new. We are not taking this razor wire down. And we thought it would be a bigger deal, but we didn't really hear about it. If you want to know what really went on there, what was going on, then you have to watch this. So if you go to blaze originals.com, you can use code alley for $30 off your blaze TV subscription. Go to blaze originals.com use code alley for $30 off your subscription. All right. This was a very wide ranging and quite controversial episode. Um, that's all we got for this week. We will be back here on Monday.