Grier Rubeling is the founder of Advisor Transition Services, a consulting firm based out of North Carolina that helps advisors move from one broker-dealer or custodian’s platform to another—often while breaking away to start their own firm. Grier stands out with her meticulous approach to aiding firms in swiftly transitioning custodians, a complex task both legally and emotionally. She has developed advanced, real-time Excel tools to keep advisors updated throughout the entire transition process, enabling them to resume their billing services as promptly as possible.
Listen in as Grier shares her strategic approach to aiding advisors in navigating the intricate terrain of transitioning between Broker Protocol, non-Protocol, and Protocol Not Applicable (PNA) scenarios, ensuring efficient client data organization and getting advisors back to billing as soon as possible. We also discuss Grier's unique journey into the financial realm (where her intrinsic ability to streamline systems and processes established her as a distinctive expert in advisor transitions), the challenges of hiring and firing her first full-time employee, and what poses the most significant obstacle in advisor transitions.
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