For more than two decades Elite FTS has been a household name for powerlifting information, equipment, and a sense of community. The progenitor behind Elite FTS, Dave Tate, honoured us at Iron Culture by joining us to share his story, wisdom and experience. Tune in to learn about the history of Dave as an athlete, thinker, and entrepreneur. Also you’ll learn the history of Elite FTS, it’s future, and what paths weren’t traveled and why. Finally, we hear what lessons Dave’s learned from decades under the bar, not only for lifting itself but also how he’s applied it to business and life.
00:00 Introducing Dave
05:08 Demographics and the changing of the guard in the fitness industry
11:25 Dave’s journey
23:05 Joining Westside Barbell
34:49 EliteFTS as a content creator in the social media era
50:01 “Evidence-based”, being open-minded and continuing to learn
1:01:25 Dave’s powerlifting experience and the double-edged sword of the going all in mentality
1:19:19 EliteFTS in the business world
1:32:55 Playing the long game: using numbers to learn and grow
1:42:33 Providing a service for your consumer
1:53:55 The future of EliteFTS
Where to find Dave and EliteFTS
Dave Tate
Podcast: Dave Tate’s Table Talk