About Arroyo
Arroyo was founded in 2022 by Micah Wylde and is based in San Francisco, CA. It is backed by Y Combinator (https://www.ycombinator.com/) (YC W23). The companies' mission is to accelerate the transition from batch-processing to a streaming-first world.
About Micah Wylde
Micah was previously tech lead for streaming compute at Splunk and Lyft, where he built real-time data infra powering Lyft's dynamic pricing, ETA, and safety features. He spends his time rock climbing, playing music, and bringing real-time data to companies that can't hire a streaming infra team.
Tools and Services Mentioned
- Apache Flink: https://flink.apache.org/
- Tokio Discord: https://discord.gg/tokio
- Clippy: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy
- Zero to Production in Rust by Luca Palmieri: https://www.zero2prod.com/
- Apache DataFusion: https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion
- Axum web framework: https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum
- `sqlx` crate: https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx
- `log` crate: https://github.com/rust-lang/log
- `tokio tracing` crate: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracing
- wasmtime - A standalone runtime for WebAssembly: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime
References To Other Episodes
- Rust in Production Season 1 Episode 1: InfluxData: https://corrode.dev/podcast/s01e01-influxdata
Official Links
- Arroyo Homepage: https://www.arroyo.dev/
- Arroyo Streaming Engine: https://github.com/ArroyoSystems/arroyo
- Blog Post: Rust Is The Best Language For Data Infra: https://www.arroyo.dev/blog/rust-for-data-infra
- Micah Wylde on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wylde/
- Micah Wylde on GitHub: https://github.com/mwylde
- Micah Wylde's Personal Homepage: https://www.micahw.com/