In this episode of the Mobile Dev Memo podcast, I speak with Dr. Grace Kite, the Founder and CEO of two companies: magic numbers, a consulting and advisory firm that helps companies apply econometric models to their marketing measurement, and magic works, a company that specializes in training related to the application of econometrics to marketing measurement.
In our conversation, we cover:
- The use case of econometrics as a discipline in marketing;
- The ways that econometrics is utilized by marketing teams to make decisions;
- How marketers can navigate the “unknown unknown” problem of shifting from deterministic measurement to probabilistic and/or econometric measurement;
- The added benefit of the more immediate and granular availability of data provided to econometric measurement for digital-first advertisers;
- The specific econometric methods and frameworks that are utilized by marketing economists;
- How the measurement cadence changes when a marketing team transitions from deterministic to econometric measurement;
- What resources exist for a marketer looking to expand their domain knowledge as a marketing economist?
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