For the twenty-fifth (!) episode of the Integral Stage's Author Series, Layman gets together with Hanzi Freinacht representative, Daniel Görtz, to talk about the forthcoming, and now formerly titled, book, "12 Much Better Rules for Life."
But while the title may be different on the date of publication, the content remains the same: a Metamodern homage, parody, incorporation, and principled transcendence of the kind of reflections and advice found in Jordan Peterson's recent bestselling self-help publications. If you've ever wanted to hear some really good reasons why you should live in a mess, fuck like a beast, and make a practice of quitting, this is your chance!
Pull up a chair and listen in as Layman and Daniel take a tour of the book's rich and insightful lessons, and find out why Layman thinks this is the most enjoyable and practical of the Hanzi books.
Daniel Görtz, PhD is a political philosopher, sociologist and author. He is a leader of “the Nordic school” of metamodernism, and one-half of the Hanzi Freinacht character. Daniel lives in Sweden and works for Metamoderna, the publisher of metamodern books, and for Glimworks, an IT-company where he is In-House Philosopher.
Medium article introducing "12 Much Better Rules for Life"