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get lost in the in the laugh there people that was fucking real yeah but I think it's fine it's fine for me to try other things for a while now too since I did those like I've got that covered you know yeah and um and you know I still have a glass of wine and I still you know I'm I think iggy has always been my inspiration yeah you know and uh you know iggy will have a few glasses of wine and you know let's talking to iggy about how he went from a junky that was a pariah where where people would say you can do whatever you want but just don't bring it you're over here to to someone that really is such a celebrated venerated um uh monument that he is so I have this I have this term I keep kicking around because we're both about to enter into our 50s right I just did he just did yeah
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so I'm about to turn 50 and pretty soon and uh I'm
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excited about it and
Speaker 1
people like well that's cool it's good because of the choicelessness of it it's good that you do i fucking ruin my 50s bro right I
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just want to ruin the start to him I don't want to ruin the rest of it you get one day yeah um can i have one day yeah
Speaker 1
as uh iggy kind of sums the suck right is is that he has moved through his life as he's aged with an i with it with a sense of excellence I look at iggy and I just got excellence I imagine when he drinks red wine it's really fucking good
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it's fucking good really fucking good right
Speaker 1
it's like the price tag zone it was like five hundred and twelve dollar what why the 12 where's the 12 exactly where's the 12 I
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won't pay a dollar more than five
Speaker 1
yes you will now I I also think that he's done what Carl Jung would call you know uniting both sides of yourself you know he's so iggy and I were at Lowry's the stake place prime rib joint yeah and he had always wanted to go he'd never gone and like we're like oh it's fucking amazing yeah and uh and uh any hoodles would go to god damn Lowry's and um he's wearing just a vest with no shirt underneath which is already a bit risque for Lowry's where the first time I went I had to wear a men's mustard colored jacket was so stoked they gave it to you yeah they're like to go in here you have to wear and I was like nah and I was like oh my god those things congratulations I'm a man you won the PGA tour yeah that's basically scooter McAvon
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just rolled it pick up your pots widget well maybe I might just have to go oh my god anyhow so we
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go in there and and iggy is uh he just at one point was like he goes is it hot and I was like no and then he just takes off his vest and puts it on his jacket he's got no shirt on in Lowry's and he picks up the stake and he's just eating it with his hands and I was like that's a got him the best thing I ever saw in my
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life because he
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was just I'm he was being himself it wasn't hurting anybody she was just like I'm like this and uh he wasn't giving two wooden fucks and they came over there the manager comes over and he goes I'm really sorry
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to say this to you
Speaker 1
but could you please um there's a it's a health code violation for you to have you know your nipples out basically a dinner
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it was like and he was like
Speaker 1
oh sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry about that of course but it just went back to eating the steak with his hands it made me fall in love with him all over again because he was gentle and sweet it wasn't an active rebellion no it was like I'm gonna do me until somebody says I can't and then I'm gonna decide if I'm okay with that yeah yeah and if it's done and if the request is respectful I'll probably you know I will listen to your side and put on my vest
Speaker 1
know and I just I love that because he's sort of elegantly being himself yeah you know or as Oscar Wilde said be yourself everyone else is taken my mom always used to say that to me and that's the first time I've ever heard it quoted to Oscar Wilde and it makes me really happy that my was was flinging Oscar Wilde that too yeah such a catty bitch not your mom
Speaker 1
sorry well I'm gonna be really clear right there she'd probably go up not you had anyone hit the explosion would you