Speaker 1
And this is crazy. The Scripture says that everybody knew it was Jesus, but nobody wanted to say it. So there's this awkward breakfast on the sea of Galilee. And you know, I mean, hey, if I were one of those disciples, I'd have been like, get him, Jesus. He's going to get there and throw me under the bus. Tell me, he can't even stay awake. And he cuss fell his ear off. And then he denied you three times. It's like you said, get him. Let him know. That's what I'd have been thinking. Nonetheless, everybody wondered, what was Jesus going to say? So they said, finally, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, finally, Jesus breaks the silence over the smoldering coals. He looks over at Peter and he says, Simon, notice what he called him. Simon, do you love me more than these? What a question. There were two things to point out to that. First he said, really? He loved me more than all of them. Because remember, Peter had said, I'm going to stay around. Even if they all follow, hey, Jesus is really, do you love me more than them? The word love, Jesus used right there, is a word called agape. It means an unconditional love. One that God has for humanity. Peter replies with the word fileo. It's another, it's a different word for love. He says, Lord, do you know I fileo you? That is a deep, brotherly kinship love that you can have for someone. But it's shy of agape. Peter's feeling it. Second time, Jesus says, Simon, do you agape me? He left off the more than these, the second question. He just said, do you agape me? And Peter says, Lord, you know I fileo you. Third time, he says, Simon, do you fileo me? Jesus changed his word for love for Peter. And Peter says, Lord, you know I fileo you. Jesus met Peter right where he was. Peter had denied Jesus three times. Jesus forgave Peter three times. You know, I think it's amazing a lot of times in Christian circles. Christians can run around and have a lot of forgiveness for unbelievers, but no forgiveness for believers. I'm thankful that we serve a God who has enough forgiveness for both.