New Hampshire has been told they will be punished for holding a primary when it's not their turn. They have a state law that says they must go first. But what happens if they just ignore the law and go second like they're scheduled? Does anyone get arrested or fined or anything? I mean, I don't think you could actually like prevent us. You can use like take its delegates away, but New Hampshire has so few delegates that like it doesn't really matter anyway, right? The question is like, can you punish candidates for campaigning there and or will candidates voluntarily decline to campaign there? And also does the media treat it as an important contest or not?"
Galen Druke and Nate Silver open up the mailbag and answer listener questions about politics and polling. They cover American skepticism of artificial intelligence — according to one poll, only 9 percent of Americans say it will do more good than harm to society — and consider what to make of former president Donald Trump’s gains on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in early Republican presidential primary polling.
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