Elon Musk blocked users on Twitter from engaging with tweets that had links to Substacks in them. When he got asked about this, Musk said that Substack was trying to download a massive portion of the Twitter database to bootstrap their Twitter clone. The Hacker News people were just laughing their heads off because they were like, what does this even mean? It just didn't make any sense whatsoever. And so as usual with him, there's not a relationship with the truth there.
Aric Toler untangles the web of teens, gamers and memes at the heart of the latest intelligence scandal.
Then, an update on Twitter — where things have gone from bad to worse.
Plus: How A.I. is bringing us closer to “Westworld.”
On today’s episode:
- Aric Toler is the director of research and training at Bellingcat, the Dutch investigative site. He worked with journalists at The New York Times to identify the man who allegedly leaked top secret documents on Discord, a social media chat platform.
Additional reading: