In this very special conversation with Alexander Love we speak about the transformative experience of his father’s murder and how it shaped his life and his teachings, the process of restorative justice that Alexander participated in, seeing the virtue in the “other” and how turning towards our pain and acknowledging the unbroken dimension of being is the prerequisite for forgiveness. Alexander Love, M.Ac, PCC, NCC, is a renowned teacher, acupuncturist and coach. He is on faculty at the Newfield Network, a leading coach training organization. Alexander is a developmental coach who specializes in transformational shadow work. He works with a wide range of individuals spanning the developmental spectrum which includes providing support for those in the latest stages of human development. Currently, Alexander is working on a book that is a synthesis of eastern wisdom with western developmental research to provide the coach with a deep understanding of how we grow up through stages of meaning making and how this knowledge is essential for supporting our clients.