Today we have another informative and deep episode with Claire Dunning, a historian and associate professor in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland. Her first book, which came out with the University of Chicago Press in 2022, is a history of urban nonprofits and philanthropic organizations titled Nonprofit Neighborhoods: An Urban History of Inequality and the American State. More recently she has written about what she calls the “nonprofit industrial complex” as well as the growing turn away from neoliberalism in the philanthropic sector which Claire recently wrote about in a Nonprofit Quarterly essay entitled “What Does the ‘End’ of Neoliberalism Mean for the Nonprofit Sector?”
We had Professor Dunning on to talk about the discourse about "the groups," how the non-profit industry became an industry and arguably lost its way, how to change the influence they might have in politics into something that could be good and serve more people, and a whole lot about the history of how both the term "non-profit" and the relationship these groups have with the government changed over the course of the past seventy of so years.
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