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This week, you will be training to speak about the topic of spontaniety and unexpected situations. Try the full shadowing exercise here:
Here is a transcript of what is heard in this episode:
Do you like surprises? If they are pleasant surprises, yes, of course I enjoy a good surprise. Do you think doing things spontaneously is a good idea? It depends on what the things are. A trip taken spontaneously can be wonderfully adventurous and rejuvenating. However, a house or car purchased on a whim can spell financial disaster. So spontaneity can be a great way to bring some excitement to a person’s life but it has to be done in moderation. How do unexpected situations make people feel? Generally, I think people are uncomfortable with the unknown. We say that we like excitement and novelty, but in reality we are creatures of habit and are uncomfortable in unfamiliar circumstances. People get anxious and if this feeling is prolonged or happens repeatedly, their well-being suffers. Why do some people feel stressed when things don’t go as planned? People like a sense of control. Or rather, I should say they like the
illusion of control. They like to feel like they are masters of their own destiny – although if you ask me, this is ridiculous. I think people get stressed because they are insecure about their ability to handle something unexpected, and it’s a little childish quite frankly.