View all show notes and timestamps on the KoopCast website.
Episode overview:
Maddy is a 5th year doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at the University of South Florida, where she is working with Dr. Diana Rancourt within the DEPTH lab. Her dedication to understanding disordered eating behaviors among athletes began while completing a joint BS/MS degree at Drexel University. Maddy will be transitioning to complete her clinical internship year this July at the UCSD Eating Disorders Center. Currently her research interests include: 1) examining identity as a risk factor for maladaptive exercise behaviors and 2) understanding the role peer exercise norms on the development of maladaptive exercise. Her long-term interests include furthering eating disorder research and treatment by developing identity-focused interventions for use with both athletes and individuals with maladaptive exercise.
Episode highlights:
(15:09) Over-identification: clinical flags, how your athletic identity manifests in your life, maladaptive behaviors to reinforce identity, athletic identity is less likely to cause issues than exercise identity
(24:04) Manipulating diet to improve performance: a slippery slope, attitude towards eating behaviors is more significant than the behaviors themselves, investigating the rigidity, stress, and duration of behaviors
(29:15) Advice for athletes with unsustainable exercise habits: examples of maladaptive behaviors, taking a small step back, building a healthier relationship with exercise, progressive de-loading
Additional resources:
Twitter: @maddy_palermo
Lab Website:
Academy for Eating Disorders:
Female Athlete Conference:
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