gm. Mauricio Magaldi and Cuy Sheffield are back this week for another deep dive.
In this Insights episode, we will be focusing on AML and how regulation can be a solution. We explore how the industry is preventing money laundering and illicit financing, looking at recent developments and what we hope the future can bring in this sector.
Join us while we unpack what AML is in traditional finance, and how it differs from AML in crypto, blockchains and digital assets, what's working and what's not, and of course - what we hope to see in the near future.
We are also joined by some amazing guests:
- Ari Redbord, Head of Legal and Government Affairs at TRM Labs
- Jessica Cath, Head of Financial Crime Project Delivery, Fintrail
This episode is sponsored by Visa.
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Special Guests: Ari Redbord and Jessica Cath.