Ethan King and Justin King delve into the intriguing world of Dr. John Demartini's Hierarchy of Values. This episode offers a deep dive into understanding personal core values and how they shape our lives.
What you will learn in this episode:
- How to identify your core values using Dr. Demartini's assessment.
- Insights into how your daily activities reflect your true values.
- Understanding the impact of ego in personal growth and development.
- Strategies for aligning your actions with your core values.
Both hosts share their personal experiences with the Demartini assessment, revealing unexpected insights into their own lives. Justin talks about his initial assumptions versus the reality of his core values, while Ethan reflects on how his values have influenced his life choices and career direction.
The discussion takes a fascinating turn into the realm of ego, challenging preconceived notions about its impact on personal growth. The hosts ponder whether being ego-driven might actually fuel positive self-improvement and success.
To uncover the intriguing results of their assessments and the lessons they learned about themselves, tune into this Kingspiration episode. A journey of self-discovery awaits!