Happy New Year to all of our listeners and supporters! Thanks for tuning in to our 93rd edition podcast!
First up, hear a rendition of Auld Lang Syne by Celtic Woman before WLRN's aurora linnea greets the listener and then delivers WLRN's World News segment.
Next, hear Terra Lightfoot with her song No Hurry before listening to Liz Miller, Thistle, and Emily discuss what they feel are the top stories of 2023 and what to look for in '24.
Stay tuned 'til the very end for Sekhmet's commentary reflecting on 2023 and how so much stays the same despite the march of time. She recommends we connect with other women and take care of ourselves as individuals in our development and healing as we head into 2024.
Thanks, as always, dear listeners, for staying tuned to WLRN, YOUR feminist community-powered media center in the Femisphere!