The U.S. government spent many years and millions of dollars investigating and developing a cadre of psychic spies in now- infamous programs dubbed Project Stargate and Grill Flame. Remote viewing protocols developed by the CIA allowed trained psychics to achieve shockingly accurate access to otherwise inaccessible information. Famed magician and television producer Chris Ramsay managed to track down and interview many of the key figures involved in the CIA and U.S. Army remote viewing programs, including Dr. Hal Puthoff, psychic Pat Price, and legendary remote viewer Joe McMoneagle. Although the programs were supposedly cancelled, Ramsay suspects they live on in some form because of astounding results that were achieved, most of which remain classified decades later. In some cases, the psychic warriors gained insight into UFOs and an ancient civilization on Mars that might be the ancestors of modern humans. Ramsay joins Jeremy and George to talk about his illustrious career and his three-part you tube film project about the inner workings of the remote viewing programs, including direct testimony from the psychic spies about their most disturbing cases and achievement.
Learn more about Chris Ramsay’s work here :
Remote Viewing Series :
Bob Lazar UFO puzzle :
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