Dr. Emre Kiciman, Senior Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research joins the podcast to share his world-leading knowledge on causal machine learning.
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In this episode you will learn:
• What is causal machine learning? [5:52]
• Causal machine learning vs correlational machine learning [10:10]
• Emre’s DoWhy open-source library [16:17]
• The four key steps of causal inference [21:24]
• How and why Emre’s key steps of causal inference will impact ML [26:36]
• Emre's thoughts on the future of causal inference and AGI [34:09]
• How Emre leverages social media data to solve social problems [38:36]
• What's next for Emre's research [46:02]
• The software tools Emre highly recommends [55:16]
• What he looks for in the data science researchers he hires [58:45]
Additional materials: www.superdatascience.com/613