If you’re a man over 35 looking for a simple, effective and personalized plan to help you look, feel and perform better than you did in your 20s, head to https://muscleintelligence.com/mipapply to learn more about our upcoming programs.
We know that the most effective way to transform your body is through muscle building… especially if you value longevity.
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how important nutrition is in that process…
But what I will tell you today is how YOU should eat to build muscle and balance muscle building and longevity…
In today's episode, I talk about how many calories you need to eat, how to stay in shape for the rest of your life, how to find the optimal macronutrient balance, and much more.
Although we named it Part 2 because this week's nutrition episodes complement each other, it's still a stand-alone show. Both episodes are packed with incredible action items and information to help you achieve your goals...
You'll learn:
How to Balance Muscle Building and Longevity
What you Need to Stay in Shape for the Rest of Your Life
Why you Should eat Differently Dependent on the Season
The Biggest Mistake MOST People Make When it Comes to Nutrition
The Value of Vegetables (Especially When Combined with Other Foods)
P.S. In case you missed part 1 of the Nutrition for Muscle Building training… You’ll find it here
Get your free copy of today's episode guide at https://muscleintelligence.com/learn
Muscle Intelligence has opened the doors temporarily for new members ready to start in January 2023. We train Champions. If you’re interested, click here to see if you qualify.