Ozan Varol (
originally on episode 205) is a former rocket scientist, lawyer, professor, and bestselling author who utilized his own practices to transition to a new career that has zero to do with science or the law. He is also the author of the new book
AWAKEN YOUR GENIUS: Escape Conformity, Ignite Creativity, and Become Extraordinary, which helps kick people out of auto-piloting their lives and work and shows them how to unlock their originality and talents. We discuss: • The secret to stop overthinking and start doing • Why your most scarce resource is not your time or your money • Why most people choose the wrong career (and what to do about it) • The surprising strategies that work to boost creativity (it worked for The Office writers!)
https://ozanvarol.com/ I’ve studied hundreds of the world’s must successful people and compiled:13 Insights from the World’s Most Successful People – Click Here to get access
You Unleashed is an online personal development course created by Sean DeLaney after spending years working with and interviewing high achievers.The online course that helps you ‘Unleash your potential’!
You Unleashed teaches you the MINDSETS, ROUTINES and BEHAVIORS you need to unleash your potential and discover what you’re capable of.
You know you’re capable of more and want to bring out that untapped potential inside of you.
We teach you how.
Enroll Today!- Click Here
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