Speaker 3
know, i'm certainly happy, because in 20 15, when this whole fluff up start, you known, in fairness, it was a person with three ph ds against, you know, just a detective a. But the irony wass that i wasn't presenting chris fisher's ideas. I was quoting a a long and david sedley and brad inwood and christopher gill. And, you know, asking the person with three ph ds to provide me with the scholars that he had read that contradict what i said. And, of course, no. That was the point where the room went silent, and the adhominum attacks came against me. But i think, in fairness to the people who got wrapped up in that a it, people didn't know what stoicism was. So you had someone who came along with three ph ds and instantly set themselves up as the d facto expert and told people, this is stoicism is, and writes a book where he sits epictetus down and has a talk with epictetus about, you know, what he needs to learn to come up to speed to modern times. You know, the people who followed that, i don't use the wordi negatively, but they were ignorant of stoicism. And i think what's happened since 20 15 is people really are starting now to dig into the text and theyr and their and, somn some cases, reading the scholarship. And yet, they're realizing, ye, god in providence is there. You can'tas, as most all the credible scholars argue, you can't unwind this from stoicism and have no repercussions to the the holistic philosophy. So im i'm glad to see the tide changing. And to that tent, i'm thankful for, you know, people like the two of you who are in the world of academia, and cano can speak from, you know, that perceived a platform of credibility that i can't speak from. You know, people who listen to me ythey no, i'm not a scholar, and i don't don't intend to pretend to be a scholar. But it's good to have people in academia like your who are presenting stoicism as it really is to a general audience, you know, which unfortunately, a a long and, and christopher gill and rad inwood and sedley, they tend to present more to an academic audience, and which as escapes a lot of people. So thank you to you. Now, th this is a good sigway into the next a on because in your chapter on living in accordance, live according to nature, you wrote something that initially shocked meand i asked youk about it in a personal conversation a couple of weeks ago. And i understand, i think, better, what you were attempting to communicate.