What is the red pill? What can a man learn from it? Brendan & Mike do a deep dive into the popular red pill men’s movement, explaining what the red pill ideology is, and share why they believe men should ultimately avoid it.
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Intro (00:50)
What is the red pill? (03:40)
What are the positive aspects of the red pill? (07:00)
Reasons why men must ultimately avoid the red pill…
- The red pill produces bad fruit. (10:30)
- The red pill dissuades men from becoming husbands and fathers. (19:30)
- The red pill says women aren’t worth committing to in our current society, while encouraging men to be players and extract sex from women without committing to them. (24:30)
- The red pill teaches that women have zero ability to overcome the worst aspects of female nature. Modern women are beyond salvation. (28:45)
- The red pill encourages men to remain victims, and leads men into further bitterness and resentment. (33:41)
- Cheating is ok if you are a high value man. (37:05)
- The red pill rejects God and offers no real hope (42:10)