Have you been wondering if you have the right people on the bus?
In this episode, Matthew and Spencer share practical insights on how to identify and retain the right people for your company's success. When evaluating your employees, you must determine if they are a core value fit and the EOS model's "people analyzer," which includes the GWC framework.
According to this framework, an employee must "Get it" (understand the company's vision), "Want it" (be passionate about their role), and "Have the Capacity to Do it" (possess the necessary skills and resources).
Learn how to assess your team using this model and create a winning team that drives your company forward.
Connect with Matt and Spencer at Evernest: Evernest.co
Visit the Podcast Website: 300to3000.com
Email the Show: podcast@evernest.co
Production House: Flint Stone Media
Copyright of Evernest 2023.