Speaker 2
I don't want to live in a house like this. I'm very anti-ring and I didn't want to continue this. I was anti-ring at our current place and we never got it put up or even like outdoor stuff. But I'm losing this battle. I can not- I'm not going to like
Speaker 1
the ring. She likes
Speaker 2
the ring. I can see that. I mean backyard. But you're right. It's all outside at least. I just feel like I think the more cameras that are added, the less security. It's ironic.
Speaker 1
Yeah, that's weird. I would think about I want the ring camera for package thieves. I don't have to worry about package thieves in my building. What is the
Speaker 2
ring camera going to do? Oh, okay. There's a guy with a brown jacket that stole your FedEx. No one gives
Speaker 1
a shit. I would think whoever, if FedEx is insured, like you show them that and they're like, okay, we'll reimburse.
Speaker 2
They do that anyways. Amazon reimburses. Nothing's going to happen. You think the local police is going to have a manhunt for this guy just because you had your ring camera? Yeah. No one cares. Yeah.
Speaker 3
I had a strange person walk up to my house this morning. Right.
Speaker 2
I don't want to know about it. It's kind of like next door. People are so into next door. Hey, let Aaron tell the story. Okay. Well, no one gives a shit. We were going to get to it. Oh, it's Aaron's time. Aaron didn't have any podcasts before us today. Now he's just trying to really shine on this one. No, you just happened to be talking about something that happened to me today. Okay. Did you talk to
Speaker 3
him? No, no. I was looking at the cameras because there was construction in my street. I was trying to show my daughter, hey, look at the construction in the street. And I go down a little further. You're great dad. Oh, there was somebody in our front driveway before the construction came and then I looked at the ring and they had come all the way up to our front door and we're looking around the side of our house.
Speaker 1
Probably looking for me. Maybe. I mean, if you're looking for me, the best you can probably do is Aaron.
Speaker 3
They at least want my phone because I got the sweet gifts.
Speaker 1
Anything else happening this week besides you're getting ready for the move? That's a big thing. Are you doing it yourself? Are you guys like boxing up and taking it out? How do you get in the company to come and