Episode - 015: - Where we learn from Chris, how Luka was born out of frustrations with the accuracy of finance data, how to automate workflows and searches, what types of questions you can ask the finance bot, how to prolong the life of your existing systems, the tools Chris uses to run his business and much much more.
After studying Aerospace Engineering, Chris first worked in Audit before moving into Data Analytics for KPMG. He then moved into finance where he eventually became Director of Finance & Operations for VenueScanner. Since then he’s become a CFO advisory to various companies and is now building AI into mainstream accounting platforms like Xero with his company Luka.
Show Notes
Where to find Chris & LukaHQ:
- Chris on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisbellprofile/
- LukaHQ - https://www.lukahq.com/
Example Questions that you can ask Luka:
Use Luka to surface Accounts Payable records:
- What bills need paying currently?
- Who do I owe the most money to?
- Give me a list of all my creditors?
Use Luka to draft customer statements:
- Draft customer statement for bayside club reminding them to pay invoices and show total amount owed
- Do Bayside club have any unpaid invoices?
- What invoices have been updated in last 7 days
Tech Mentioned
[Note] Tech for finance are a Notion affiliate, but we also use and pay for their services
- Xero: https://www.xero.com/
- ChatGPT: https://openai.com/blog/dall-e-2-and-gpt-3/
- Open AI: https://openai.com
- Power BI: https://powerbi.microsoft.com
- Slack (https://slack.com/)
- Microsoft Dynamics (https://dynamics.microsoft.com/)
- QuickBooks: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/
- Evernote - https://evernote.com/
- Trello - https://trello.com/
- Spark Mail - https://sparkmailapp.com/
- HubSpot - https://www.hubspot.com/
- Front - https://frontapp.com/
- Microsoft To-Do - https://to-do.microsoft.com/
- Microsoft OneNote - https://www.onenote.com/
- Microsoft Teams - Teams: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
People Mentioned
- Soufyan Hamid - https://www.soufyanhamid.com/
- Dante Healy - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dantehealy/
Other Mentions