27min chapter

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Unlocked: 36 pt. 6: Jack Oliphant’s Cultic Milieu - Special Forces, the JFK Deal, the Hoffa Deal, Spooky Ordinations, and Cult, feat. Wendy Painting

Programmed to Chill


Jack Oliphant's Radicalization and Extremist Activities

This chapter explores Jack Oliphant's fixation on a book, his descent into a cultic ideology, and his involvement with the Arizona Patriots group. It delves into Jack's radical beliefs, terrorist activities, and his network of right-wing extremists, culminating in a series of comically failed criminal attempts and a significant FBI sting operation leading to multiple arrests within the far-right movement.

Speaker 1
But anyways, this is the book that Jack Gollifaw is obsessed with right before and as he's going full Jim Jones. I found a Tucson citizen ad for this book, which is occurring actually in 1983 as all this stuff's going on. And it's like, I'm like a read the whole thing, but I'll post there after this airs. But it's like, warning, hell is waiting for you. Most people are going to hell. Wake up. You are going to hell. Like, this is the craziest ad for a book. So that's the first little thing. And then this is the, actually that's the one that you without our conversations, like, would not have, I could have made the connections to that later reign. And that book Jack was holding. I wouldn't have known what I was looking for, I guess, for thanks. This next song is about the gates of hell. It's called the gates of hell. Gates of hell. Gates of hell. Gates of hell. Oh, the gates of hell are here. Things ain't going so well. Oh, I'm stuck down here to get to hell. Things ain't going so well. Oh, I'm stuck down here to get to hell. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Gates of hell are here. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. Things ain't going so well. turned anti-Semitic text-pros tester, Ty Hardin, and he starts the Arizona Patriots along with a guy named Richard Van H Matales and Christian identity beliefs and maintain ties with the parent organizations who helped birth them, including area nations and Christian Patriot defense links. So they had no lack of like-minded individuals to fellowship with. In 84, the area nations world Congress holds training sessions on urban guerrilla warfare featuring members of the Arizona Patriots. Also, the year in June, the Arizona Patriots issue an indictment against all elected officials in Arizona and demand their resignation within three days. Then they issue indictments against former deputy of Conconno County Sheriff's Department. And remember Conconno is exactly where the allegations of Jack in his treethening operations are coming out of. Before we get too far from Ty Hardin, I don't know if you saw this. I was just looking at his Wikipedia page, but didn't you mention Meryl's Marauders? Okay. Yes, I did. Oh, shit. And he was in a movie about Meryl's Marauders. Oh, shit. What? It was directed by Samuel Fuller of all things, so it's probably pretty good. That came in with Jack Olive France, like, no, no, no, don't be sorry. That's crazy. I mean, I don't know how it all came next, but it was Jack's surveillance partner or whatever. That was surveilling David Ferry that was in the actual, that actual unit or company. That's what it was. I was trying to recall. Interesting. Okay. So that goes also, like, then that kind of touches back on the whole Rambo, like, where is real life and where is all that. How is, um, how are movies being influenced by, or like, what's the relationship between the movies and the people and. Yeah. So, yeah, it's high-heartening. He starts the Arizona Patriots like the first big push. And, uh, but after the indictments come down, like where the Arizona Patriots demands. To resignation. I don't know. I honestly, what did they think they were going to get from this foot against all elected officials and the sheriff. Um, the FBI starts investigating them. And at least officially, like, if there was something more going on before that, I'm not aware of it. Um, and that's when the first paid informant. And I'll say highly paid informant is planted among theirs on a Patriots. So. I'm just like, I'm trying to power through this. No, for sure. So now we're, so now let's get Jack to some King, Minnesota. And, uh, Hillary, Hillary, I'm sorry, made a joke saying is like, where's Waldo? But where's Jack Hall of Farm? Well, in 1985. Jack, all of our is in the weird ass desert town in Arizona, located on Route 66. About 103 miles south of Vegas. Uh, and he names us 320 acre property. Hepsaba ranch, which is like a. Figure in the book of Kings of the Bible, the wife of has a Kaya King, a Judah. This property is extremely difficult to access as I found out. I was driving and I tried to, I had been born, like, dude, you can't go up there without like. Oh, a truck, like a fort. You can't just go up there in a car. And I'm like, I could do whatever I want. And like, I almost got myself stuck. Like it was, then it was night. It was pretty cool. And I was like, I'm like, I'm not going to go. I'm like, I'm not going to go. I'm not going to go. I'm not going to go. I'm not going to go. I was like, I'm not going to go and I'm not going to go. I'll go. I'll go go. I'll go. I'll go back. I'll go back. I'll go back. I'll go back. It was like, it was like, no. It was, it was like, it was nice. It was pretty scary. So I never, I have not yet attempted this again. But, uh, yeah, you can't go up in your little cars. Very hard to access. Um, So by this point. So James Jackson member of the Christian Patriots to fence league and out there run by retired army colonel, Jack Gordon, Jack Moore and evangelists to preach white supremacy and build politics. Yeah, I don't have more on that, but that's, yeah, look at that guy. Jack is now a leader of and among the most extreme of the Arizona Patriots. I'm not exactly sure what happened with High Hardin, but at some point Jack becomes the face of their and the most extreme face of the Arizona Patriots, who is at its height is 200 members. And in this capacity Jack is now a close associate, not of Jesus Christ, but of a network of right-wing terrorist, would be terrorists. Praise the Lord. Arizona Patriots emphasis on guerrilla training, couldn't have dampened all of on its attraction to them as this was an old hobby of his previous covert occupation. Olafant told the more than one person that he chose the Kingman property because it offered advantages to fight sustained guerrilla war and because of its proximity to hydroelectric dams on the Colorado River. Remember to the Jack Olafant had claimed numerous times that he helped train the Muja Hadim. And now we're talking about the same time period that Reagan's military and national security advisors agreed to provide the Muja Hadim with the Stinger Anthe aircraft missiles. So it's all coming together. I didn't take you here for no reason. That was a big imposing man with big imposing dreams and had not given up his noble desire to educate the youth. He hoped to establish and now this is like this is where he comes back into public like view. He hoped to establish on his Kingman property a Christian identity youth camp and Christian identity family religious retreat where he hoped to operate war games. So it was like fun for the whole Christian identity family. And to that end, Jack began using the Christian Peter's defense newsletter to solicit funds and assistance in developing the site. But the ads would warn people moving to the area will be carefully screened. So Jack wasn't just letting anyone in anymore. That idea had gone out the window. Jack continues his ministry holding meetings at the ranch where the only amenity was portable generator used for repeated showings of the anti-communist movie Red Dawn. Which by the way was one of McVay's like favorite movies as a young while Hepso Baranche never quite became the next area nations. It did or notable mention among the movement as a paramilitary training camp. And like always, all of the font provided a home for at least a small flock of troubled youth upon whom he could impart the ways of the Lord including but in no way is limited to. I'm not even going to get into all of them but the most famous are probably scariest of these young men who were sent to Jack's ranch were the keyhole brothers. Oh yeah. By the way, are also connected to McVay and the Baumen Quat. But also to Israel Keys. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. They were, yeah, they kind of grew up together right? They were his closest friends at one point. Man those K-hope those guys are scary. As is in fact, I was telling you about that he's like that stupid show in Marky Mark and and I tried to watch the Israel Keys one and it was like at night and I just could have, I just could deal with it right then. So instead I watched the Jim Jones one. Because it's so much more recent than just probably. Yeah. So yeah. So the K-hope. So like Jack, he's an educator. He's committed to educating the youth. Educating them in robbing banks. Yeah. Yeah. Like Baum building. Yeah. Exactly. The events at the retreat came to include explosive straining and of course like just repeated and this this is like to his dying day. Jack Alvat was obsessed with the movie Red Dawn. Which I will bring up in a little bit but a later FBI report noted that like strewn all over his property which was heavily guarded and difficult to access for shell casings and hundreds of rocket ammunition crates. Again bringing us to like the other stuff we talked about. While the guns and security precautions Jack, well he believed the communist in the invasion was nigh and was preparing to stave it off. Or at least that's why he preached. Right. I don't know what he really believes or not. Yeah. That was the message. So eventually they would start to the plan. They were going to wage an underground war and it would consist of assassinations and all kinds of other hijinks. And to bring on this revolution. They were going to use a truck bomb to bomb a Jewish synagogue in an IRS building in Ogden, Utah. Utah and an electric dam on the Colorado River. So Jack designates this kid 23 year old ranch hand named Monsieur Ross as the designated bomb maker for the group. And Jack goes about making I suppose on VHS bomb making videos for the purposes of distributing them to other Christian identity groups. So now he's like stepping up, like stepping it up. And to fund their hobbies, they decided they needed to rob banks and armored cars, steal weapons including wall rockets for military bases. When the wall rocket scheme failed, they settled on obtaining selling just guns. And they said about designing a ray gun or a laser weapon that could vaporize the enemy and leave no trace. Now there's more than one undercover informant and seem to be agents, like legit just agents infiltrating Jack's little band of patriots to the point where at any given planning session, there would be one to three undercover agents in attendance. So now this is right. This is some of the plants gained access through introductions made by big Christian identity movement names with whom Jack had now become really good friends, like Richard Butler being one of them. The public caught on so this is interesting again, the public caught on like at this point in the mid 80s to the growing paramilitary mercenary school trend through the country. And just as all this is going on with Jack's waging getting ready to wage war, there's an episode of the A team, which I don't know if it really is based on Olafant, but it looks like it to me because the episode description reads Murdoch masquerades as a fire and burnstone preacher to rescue Hannibal from a paramilitary organization. Like he goes undercover as this like Jack Olafant figure. I'm sure there was a lot of them running around, but I also watched every episode of 18. So okay, so in that in that episode, basically a guy is going undercover as a doomsday preacher in order to help the 18 or is it the 18 doing it? I guess I need to go back and watch the episode has been a few years, but have you seen the 18 like if I say names and characters? I've seen episodes, but I don't recall like it was like when I was a kid, basically. So Murdoch is like this. He's the one I always like doesn't kid. He's like this. He's just crazy. Like he's not he's obviously. Oh, he's like, yeah, the crazy. Yeah, I had some kind of crush on him. I think it was a kid, but he's just he's like wacky. But but now like looking back as an adult, I wonder if Murdoch with mind control or like what happened to his brains, but as a kid, I just like them. But yeah, he masquerade. He actually masquerade as a as like a Jack Olafant site to rescue Hannibal, who's the leader of the group. Okay, from a paramilitary organization. I would need to go back and watch the episode because I forget the ins and outs, but I mean, I put it in my notes because I can't I do remember thinking like, it was like Jack Olafant. It's like he's taking on all the I don't know. He's donning a Jack Olafant like persona, but trying to rescue Hannibal, the leader. Would that that were like what you were actually doing? Right, right, right. Well, right. Right. Or is this a looting? Like, I don't know if there's any concrete link here, but like is Jack himself an actor masquerading as a preacher? Yeah, because he like made a sudden heel turn into like racist Christian identity preacher. And it's like, was that real? I don't know. Like, yeah, and was anything like at least the people that knew him from even the earlier church. Sometimes they're like, we didn't I don't really know they didn't well at least one person has the link. They just didn't know if Jack was sincere or not. But at that point, it didn't matter because of their comrades, like because they had former of these relationships. But they there was questions about Jack's sincerity. Anyways, even before all this so. Yeah. Yeah. So, but like Jack, his tastes were popular culture does it not seem to extend beyond red dawn, but he was growing really impatient to begin the revolution. But he was working with a bunch of jokers. At one point, the Arizona Patriots decided to rob an armored car transferring money from Vegas. casinos. At first, they considered using exploding arrows to overcome the truck and driver and then a homemade mortar device, which would fire pipe bombs to pry open the truck. But they realized they burn up the money and the process. So they scrap that plan. That sounds like some Mickey Mouse bullshit. Yeah. I mean, I have a list of like all the weird ass plots that like it was like most Keystone cops, I guess. Like one Involved blocking the road by staging a car accident when the truck stops Shoot some type of gas and put the guards in the truck to sleep. Take the truck with the guards, transfer the money, bury the truck with the bulldozer And leave the guards to wake up in the desert. But that plan and that was a plan got monkey-wrenched because the bomb maker of Monty Ross, the kid, ends up in the hospital after a Practice plate bomb blew off to all his fingers. So they're forced to reschedule the armored truck robbery. So then So like just all kinds of things were happening. Key conspirators would fail to show up at meetings. Like one of them, the guy that was supposed to procure the gas to do the truck drivers The day before the robbery is supposed to go down didn't have it and he said he couldn't remember the kind of gas you needed Al Fon is furious at this point Like all kinds of shit like they're just every mistake. It's just like a cartoon in my mind because They're so incompetent And Jack is like getting really mad and so Jack is so eager for competent People to work with that he readily accepts an FBI agent who responds to his ad in the white premises newspaper and make and Jack makes him had a security at the ranch Uh, which is interesting because like a loin city, you know, like all their top people are all either informants or even international agents. It's Wasn't stress myer. Yeah, of security. Yes. So yeah, that's who I was thinking. Yeah You know, but even the leader of a loin city was himself an FBI informant like Right. Yeah, how does security? Uh So like Meanwhile was to have frustrated ala thought himself He was always partial to the idea of blowing up the Hoover Dam and other critical infrastructure But he just wants to get on with it and get on with the armored truck robbery scheme so he can do this but it was not to be because um Before he could execute his plans and probably kill themselves in the process 75 FBI agents raid his ranch and arrest him and Nine other Arizona patriot members for a variety of weapons and explosives charges So in this case like they did intervene and arrest him and uh, all of our is sentenced to four years Um for a plot to hijack brings armored trucks um to fund the white supremacist movement Uh, it turns out though that the undercover activities culminating in the FBI raid on all of founts Ranch his arrest and imprisonment and as well as out of seven other Arizona patriots were a small slice of a much larger multi million dollar FBI led investigation sting operation called operation clean sweep but That that resulted in the trials and convictions of dozens of other far like far right leaders In a number of states including of various big names connected to area nations one of them Being a aliphon close clamped family friend Richard Wayne Snell Who in 1983 Was part of a failed plot to bomb the mora building And became a martyr when he was executed the day of the Oklahoma city bomb in 95 interesting And clean sweep would in time give birth and I believe like if there's the genealogy here I I see those clean sweep gives birth to patcom another multi-agency sting Oh, okay now Thank you for being patient.

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