Speaker 1
Your bitter blind broke gap to the radio show host as well as staying on top of everything going on behind the scenes with exclusive content only for patreon subscribers. You got to do that by subscribing at patreon.com slash this is hell. You also get first crack at the following week's question from hell as well. Coming up, Jeff with a moment of truth, the rest of your answers to this week's question from hell. We will be announcing this week's winner and we'll be telling you what's happening on next week's show. You are listening to God's favorite radio show. Prove me wrong. This is hell. And will I know you have half a I'm a line.
Speaker 6
One, two, you know what's to do that.
Speaker 3
Yes, word coleslaw is going to have to wait till next week. And wow, they just started up the machines behind my apartment. I as the token Jew on this is hell. I'm talking about Israel now and I saw that Mustafa bird goody interview and I'm looking forward to hearing the one on patreon. I know nothing report on feelings about the current conflict from our its Israeli Defense Minister, Joav Galant announced on Monday that we are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly. He said of Gaza's population of more than two million Palestinians, half of whom our children and most of whom are refugees from areas beyond the Gaza boundary breached by gorillas on Saturday. What is meant by I stand with Israel is me talking now or the more important question. How does I stand with Israel? Condemned the atrocities inflicted by Hamas on non combatants or even more important. How do people posting I stand with Israel? Imagine the statement condemns the Hamas perpetrated atrocities because proximate to the first day of the bloodbath. I saw exactly one guy post Hamas must be destroyed and he posted it in Latin. Maybe they think they're somehow being sensitive to people's feelings by not directly condemning Hamas, a kind of twisted wokeness to maintain plausible deniability against accusations of Islamophobia. I, the person speaking or writing, stand with that is take comradly moral stance beside with the object. In this case, the
Speaker 3
state of Israel, a sovereignty that had been promised to the Jews by England's Balfour Declaration in 1917. The state itself was founded by the UN and France and England for the Jews as an ethnic religious homeland in 1948. It was all part of the British house cleaning to get rid of the remaining colonies. It could no longer afford after fighting a hugely expensive war against Nazi Germany and to do so, leaving as many problems behind for the decolonize as possible just to be dicks. In the late 1980s, the Israeli government aided the growth of Hamas's popular support, mostly as an obstacle to the ability of the Palestinian authority to run things in anything like a stable fashion. The strategy continues to work to this day, obviously. This might be the problem I have with I stand with Israel as opposed to condemnation of Hamas's brutality. It's a rhetorical device designed to convey a warning not to speak of context in history. Allow us to wreak this terrible violence and retaliation for their terrible violence without considering our negative part in the story. And let's call it defense. Let us call it defense and let us do it because we're an agony that our people, our children have been cruelly murdered and kidnapped. As if brutality visited on millions of gossons for at least the past 16 years has absolutely nothing to do with the slaughter of hundreds of Jews in a maniacal bloodbath, whatever it's supposed to go. No one can figure out what the goal actually was because it's impossible to see how Hamas's insane blood rampage is in any way going to improve Palestinians chances for decent lives. But back to I stand with Israel, which is not a condemnation of the crime, but a preemptive defense of the punishment, a demand that Israel's inevitably excessive response must be viewed by the world without examination. It requires no justification, which who knows it may not. But then the Hamas carnage might be self justified too. But no, no one should examine the contextual nuances because context and nuance are only for anti-Semites who rudely violate Jews special time of mourning that also includes a lot of bloodthirsty, but justifiable bombing along with the Shiva cold platter. Just because the bombing of blocks of buildings containing children, women, and the geriatric are not displayed luridly on the front page of the New York Times doesn't mean they aren't happening and aren't important. You Philistine, sir, allow it to be simple, allow it to be black and white. Nothing justifies this butchery by our enemies, but you must allow us much more sophisticated technological butchery because otherwise there's no way for civilization to survive. If you even consider for a moment that one butchery differs only in character, but can be equated with another in the cost of human life, how will we distinguish barbarians from respectable people? I mean, I get it. You want to say what they did was so heinous and barbaric that even while demanding your deference, we are going to slaughter even more people whom we almost a little bit have been pretending up to now to see as humans. And it is indeed warranted for Jews to point out that some critics are trying to justify bloody evil carnage by listing Israel's crimes, even while those same critics are mouthing humanitarian mumory about concern for Palestinian lives. Exemplifying this accusation, comics, Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer both reposted a terrible Instagram post by almost superhuman lawyer, morning Joe adornment and businesswoman, Mandana Dayani. The post began something like, I'm sick to my stomach at activists who see little girls being killed and dragged through the streets out of video. And the first impulse is to go online and explain all the historical reasons why it's okay those girls got killed. And it ended with your anti-Semitism isn't even unconscious. It's so deeply rooted, you can't even be bothered to consider how much pain your friends are in. I'm not sure how an ethos deeply rooted and not considered is somehow other than unconscious, but being in pain turns the best of us into bloviating idiots, even super successful citizens of note. And to be fair, there have been many about whom her words ring true. Don't be among that multitude. Yet oddly, it's kind of a compliment to Hamas, if you think about it, to assert that their Simhas Torah atrocities are sweet, generous and hermetically outside of the of history. It's akin to saying that Hamas is capable of letting 1500 of their soldiers die to get a publicity segment on CNN. That's quite a sacrifice for the sake of image. And for sure, they're not above doing that, but are they really that much more clever than every other terrorist group in the world, those dummies who only kill to make people dead and others afraid? My thoughts turn again to the Latin rendering of Hamas must be destroyed. If those who confess or profess to care about Palestinian lives can be accused of perhaps unconscious or semi-comatose anti-Semitism, I think it's justifiable to wonder if those who lead with I stand with Israel and not destroy Hamas aren't suffering from a little unconscious wokeness, which is, it's a fine impulse. Really? I mean, eventually destroy Hamas came to the lips of even the most tremulous and trepidacious. I'm sure fear of anti-Semitic comments or even comments that could merely be read as anti-Semitic were part of their calculus. I felt alike impulse when confessing I was worried about my friends, both those who had loved ones in Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel and those who had loved ones in Gaza. I got paid back with verbal ultra reactionary Jewish terrorism. There's no doubt about that, which you know, is the kind of terrorism a person could live with, unlike bombs, rape and gunfire. Yes, blame Hamas. Jesus, they manipulate and steal from and lie to and hurt their own people. But don't try to silence honorable speech by labeling it anti-Semitic. That's a no win tactic. But maybe this is all no win. Maybe I should just recognize the bald-faced agendas and tell people to F off, but I won't because despite how this all pains me. I have no doubt that everyone online in these horrible days is dealing with a great deal of sorrow and agony and frustration. As much as I despise humanity right now, I emphatically denounce the infliction of agony on anyone. Believe it or don't as you wish. This has been the moment of truth. Good day.
Speaker 1
Yeah, I was kind of surprised on local Channel 9 WGN news here in Chicago. Yesterday they started their evening news with an interview with the Chicago police department officer who that's not the surprising part. Okay. Who is that's a that generally happens. That's typical. But he is Palestinian and he has lost 10 members of his family already. And so. Well, you know, yeah, at least they had a Palestinian on local news, which they hadn't had on local news for the first five days of the current conflict. So at least there seems to be some increasing awareness that the coverage has been really horrible.
Speaker 3
Well, the coverage differs in different places. I got a I got a message from a friend in Austria in Vienna who said that. That social media companies and the government, I guess, had been taking down posts that talked about massacres in Israel against Israelis by Hamas. And and there was a lot of control of speech because I mean, I don't know if you know, Austria
Speaker 1
was very anti-Semitic. Yes, incredibly.
Speaker 3
So I guess they don't and they don't like making Jews seem like victims anymore. I mean, they never really didn't do much. They didn't do what Germany did. They didn't go, Hey, our bad. We're going to try to be nice. They stayed. They stayed that way, apparently. But
Speaker 1
anyway, yeah, Canadian Facebook I just learned is very there's a lot of censoring on it. So if you post, for instance, an article about something that's going on in Pakistan, like what Imran Khan being jailed, they just won't show the story. They'll allow you whatever words that you've posted as a comment, but the link to lots of stories in Canada on Canada's Facebook get blocked. Because we just learned that from a listener in Canada who said, yeah, you know, your posts do not come through on Canada Facebook. So there you go. We're somehow upsetting Canadians.
Speaker 3
Chuck, I'm going to have to talk to you off the air about an inter interaction I had with Cantor Randy Herman's wife. No, geez. But it's an ongoing thing kind of, but it's it. You absolutely have to call me at some point in the next few days about so we can talk because. Right. He said, I love, let me just say this. I love Randy. Whatever he has said to me is, I understand that he's he and his family are in pain. And he is very aware that he speaks from pain right now. And he's he's a great guy.
Speaker 1
And I'm going to see him. But you know, I speak just on that topic real quick. That's like a really, really dangerous time. And that's very that's really that's really that's no, that's really in tune of him, you know, to realize that he is speaking from pain because people don't realize that they are. I mean, you can just look at the reaction to 9 11, you know. Oh, yeah. No, it's the exact same thing, you know, the you got you got to keep in mind the space that you're talking from. But that's really, really difficult to do because that's a self examination. That's really hard, you
Speaker 3
know, he I've got to say my, you know, as painful as it's been for me to hear things. It's I myself. I like to pat myself on the back for understanding that he is coming from pain
Speaker 3
and letting him tell me everything. His wife on the other hand, I'm not so sure we'll
Speaker 1
find out. All right. All right, I'll call you this weekend. Laura's out of town. So I'll probably call you within the next 24 to 48 hours, sir.
Speaker 3
Cool, baby. All right. I love you guys. Who's on who's on? Who's that will? Yeah,
Speaker 4
that's me. I will beautiful job.
Speaker 3
Thanks for that. All right. Thank you. You guys. Oh, one last thing. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know if lumpen is still cutting off the moment of truth. Yeah.
Speaker 3
F you guys, man. You need this information. No one's going to give you that perspective. All right, Jeffy.
Speaker 1
Love you, man. Stay beautiful. Take care, buddy. Thank you. Bye. Live from land stolen from the Potawatomi people. This. Is hell and that is Jeff breathing heavily. It was microphone. The person with our favorite answer to this week's question from El wins your choice of whatever. This is how swag merchandise, whatever you want to call it stuff. You want that is currently available at this is hell.com when you click on support. Will, please remind us. What is this week's question from hell and are there any more answers?
Speaker 4
We have no more answers to the question from hell, which is how are the Chinese commies sneaking into your community?
Speaker 1
The answers I liked most were and will please tell me which one of these you like the most. So on Patreon, I, you know, we can't give it to Jeff, but I did like his response in John Wick's sequels and spinoffs. That's how the Chinese commies are sneaking into his community. Yiro M saying they're slipping in through the freaking cracks, man. Game over, man. Game over. What movie is that from?
Speaker 4
I mean, not aliens. Is it? Yeah, either private Hudson played by Ernie
Speaker 1
Hudson. By Jens. No, he's in many movies. Yeah. All right, you'll check it out. Also, I like public universal comrades saying that the Chinese commies are sneaking into their community with my assistance on discord. Crime Doctor 2019 saying the Bibles in our churches. They somehow change the stories from Get Richard Die trying to let's feed as many people as we can with a little bit of food we have. Kim G saying local TV programming of the Mickey Mouse Club show for kids. Mark A saying all of the red mums are very suspicious. I like that over on freight Facebook, Riley J saying the little golden books have all been replaced by little red books. John T saying parachuting from balloons. Welcome to the over on Welcome to Hellhole. We have Steve W saying as a matter of fact, one of those Chinese commies tried to sneak in onto our farm a while back. I caught him, gave him a good talking to, however, he turned out to be such good company that I now let him sleep under my bed. Egon S saying I heard those mega hats are read by the way, Egon should be coming back here to Chicago in the near future. Former producer on the show. Nick E saying they're a purist. They're doing it the same exact way as in invasion of the body snatchers. Pods, Walter B saying because when my class was standing in line outside my Michigan elementary school, staring at the sky during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I learned about the Chinese Communist troops, masked on the Canadian border. I've stayed alert since then. And over on Twitter, M50 saying the Chinese communists are sneaking into his community too slowly. Anyone of those really stick out to you.
Speaker 4
That was a very strong field. I can't
Speaker 1
get Steve W's. I know. That's mine too. Steve W, you are the winner of this week's question from hell. We will be responding to your answer at Welcome to the Hellhole to get your contact information. So not only can you choose what piece of this is hell merchandise you want as a prize for winning this week's question from hell or having the best answer to this week's question from hell, but also getting us contact information so we can send it to ASAP. So congratulations, Steve W. Just tell us again, what swag you want when you can when you click on support at this is hell.com. We'll get it in the mail to you posthaste. The my answer to this week's question from hell, how are Chinese commies sneaking into your community? I have no idea. And every answer I came up with sounded oddly synophobic. So thanks to everyone who's
Speaker 4
got a little self examination in the future. Exactly. Thanks to everyone who
Speaker 1
sent an answer to this week's question from hell.
Speaker 4
We'll who are guests on next week's show. Our upcoming guests include Tom Dispatched contributor Karen Jay Greenberg, who returns to this as hell. This time discussing her latest article, closing Guantanamo. Yes, at a snail's pace, but a pace.
Speaker 1
It's a pace. Yeah, it is pace. Um,
Speaker 4
Karen is the director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law. Her most recent book is Subtle Tools, the dismantling of American democracy from the war on terror to Donald Trump.
Speaker 1
I think this is her. If there's six of the parents on the show, well, she was on the show a lot right after right when Guantanamo opened up. So yeah, so she's going to be back on the show. And also we're going to have, you know, next week, sub whoop and sub whooper returns with the past inside the present. We'll have this week in rotten history from Ronaldo, McGaldy, Jeff Dorchen, as always, we'll deliver a moment of truth. Huge thank you to this week's producer, Will Ippen. Also thanks to Sebastian Ronaldo, Jeff and to Dan Coogler, Richard Norwood, Alexander Jerry, Theron, Hummiston, Dan Hill and Pete Vallevanis, just because talk to you tomorrow, Friday on Patreon at patreon.com slash this is how when we'll try to figure out what is that something wrong that is going on with all of us. Plus a 2006 interview with a Palestinian leader who offers an alternative to their seemingly never ending conflict with Israel. There's only one way to get over all of the problems that we've introduced to you on this week's set of shows. That's by sitting down in the Lotus position, turning your poems, towards the sky, focusing on that burning white dot in the middle of your forehead and saying the simple words, everybody's stupid.
Speaker 5
My demon is on my butt. My demon talks to me for a family like a sailor. And my demon tries to knock me down. And my demon tries to put me on a hell right. Thank you for listening to This Is How. For more interview hell and to support the show, visit thisishell.com.