Speaker 1
And they give it to you and you're set, right? Or like I said tomorrow, you just bring your passport and you come visit work remotely. If you're an Indian native coming from India, applying for permanent residence could take you a year. Two years, just to wait for the processing work permits last. So so the big the big distinction is typically between what's called a temporary permit. So you want to come visit or work or study, you get a temper a visitor or a work or a study permit. And those can range from anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. You want to come directly through permanent residence through a skilled worker program or you have a family member that can sponsor you. You're looking at like probably a minimum six plus months of processing. And there's a little bit more documentation to prep for it. Right. So you might need medical exam, police background checks, all that kind of stuff. So I wish I had a shorter answer. It's a wide range, right? Depending on what kind of program, what kind of citizen you are, are you bringing family members? What do you want to do here? You know what I mean? It's a wide range. And the requirements can vary widely. And so, you know, that's why just first step of picking the best program for you is usually the hardest. And that's why again, it's so important to pick the right people to work with if you're going to work with them. Because if you get that first one wrong, or like here's what here's part of why it's so easy, right? If you want to apply it for PR, especially now there's backlogs because of COVID, average processing time is a year plus. So if you're running Josh's scam immigration show on, you know, India Street, or, you know, Mumbai Street, you know, whatever you want to call it, you can take someone's money on day one, work with them and prepare their immigration application. I'm doing all this with bunny years for those that are listening. Submit the application, aka not actually submit the application and string that person along for over a year and just say, yeah, it's submitted. We're waiting. There's backlogs. There's processing times long. And then over a year goes by and the biggest problem is not that you stole their money. You just wasted over a year of their life, right? Because if you never filed the application, there is nothing in processing, which means not only did you get scammed out of your money, but only when you realize you've actually been scammed, you then have to start all over again, right? So it's it's anyways, I don't want to belabor that point too much. But that's how terrible it is. You're wasting your putting back your pushing back people's plans by years, right? They want to start a new life anywhere. Doesn't matter. Canada, US, UK, Australia, you know, I'm just listing some of the, like, notoriously more popular countries to integrate to, especially for skilled workers, we work more intimately with or more often with skilled workers. It's so sad. It's very, very sad. So please be careful. Or if you know anybody who wants to go through the process, just make sure they're being careful. That's all