On today’s episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Tamica Wilder, a somatic sex coach and multi qualified complimentary therapist with over a decade of group work, facilitation and coaching experience. Tamica leads with passion, embodied wisdom and playful curiosity in all that she does. She believes that our social and cultural narratives around sex and embodiment need a damn good shake up! - Never one to shy away from a challenge, she's committed to leading the charge. Tamica is a hand holder, a permission giver and a safe place to land for those serious about re-awakening their sexual spark and living a life lead by pleasure. We talk about Tamica’s work with men as well as the importance of creating safety for men to open up about their sexual concerns. We also discuss parenthood and modelling healthy sexuality for children.
Key Points:
- Tamica shares about her work and journey to motherhood
- Creating spaces for men to talk about sexuality
- Should men or women work with men around sexuality?
- Creating boundaries when working with people’s body
- You don’t need to action your arousal
- Intersectionality and masculinity
- What are men seeking help for?
- Parenthood and sexuality
- Modelling healthy sexuality for your children
Relevant links:
Free "confident Communication in the Bedroom" Video Series: https://www.theorgasmicmama.com/sexualconfidence
Tamica’s Instagram: @theorgasmicmama/
Tamica’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOhMama
Tamica’s Facebook Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheOMama