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It's like the story of the, you put a frog in room
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temperature water, you bring it to a boil and stay in there and sold it out. So you must have a strong opinion then of, I mean, you've been in this long enough to see this shift. Me have a strong opinion. Yeah, I know. I guarantee you do. I've never seen this before and now it's happening. It's actually quite alarming where now it's fat shaming to talk about losing weight and gym culture or gyms are getting demonized as toxic. And how it's, by the way, you can be overweight and healthier and be overweight and less healthy. I can just hold this. But it is apples to apples being overweight is just purely unhealthy. And now you have people coming out saying, no, that's not the case. This is alarming because it's not just wrong. It's the opposite of the truth, right? Which is worse than wrong. So what are your opinions on this new messaging? I feel like it's just, I feel like there, there's enough obese people now to where the market is big enough to now where this becomes just a lowering. Maybe that's what's happening. But it's scary.
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I think there's always something attractive about somebody saying it's not your fault and everything's fine. And the way you are is actually the way you
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should be. So let's
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take health at every size movement because that's kind of what we're talking about. Right. Now, I think the reason that movement was founded is actually a good reason. Yeah, totally. Which is, you know, you can love your body and your weight doesn't mean that you're not a good person. Right. Right. And man, I've had, you know, I understand why it exists because I've had people say really dumb things like I would never hire an obese person to do a job because they're obviously lazy. I'm like, how many successful examples of obese people who are brilliant do we need before we know that it's not just a laziness issue? You know what I mean? So just stop with that dumb shit. But let's not live in fantasy land either. Okay. So I think the problem is the health at every size movement got co-opted by extremists who wasn't just good enough to say you can love your body to every size had to be like every size body is perfectly healthy. Right. In fact, we're actually more healthy.
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It's like you take any message and push it to the extreme.
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and I think in a way it's kind of a push back. I say I say the carnivore diet and carnivore extremists are basically just
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a reaction to veganism.
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It's just sick of veganism. Vegan people pushing stuff. It's like, well, not only is meat not bad for you. It's actually the best thing for you. And in fact, you should only
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meat, you know, and and ball sacks just eat ball sacks, you know, like
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so. You didn't make that up. I know crazy shit. I think it would be a really interesting study to see the politics in that, right? Like we actually studied how
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many carnivores are. Right wing left wing. Yes. Every once in a while you'll get like a like a liberal carnivore like, wait, did you like get lost on the way to democratic condition or what? So
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public and veganism.
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Yeah, I think that that movement got co-opted. And here's some of the arguments for me. Well, thin people actually have higher mortality rates compared to overweight people. That's true.
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People who are very thin have higher
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mortality rates,
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but no one no one's saying that overt, like being very thin is healthy.