Oliver burkeman's new book is a must read on time management. He talks about the idea of 'finitude' and how to embrace our limits. Burkeman: "It's only by embracing our finitude that we can step into a truly authentic relationship with life"
Episode notes
This week I interview Oliver Burkeman for the podcast. Oliver is the author of the fantastic new book,Four Thousand Weeks. In the episode, we have a fun, wide-ranging conversation about a bunch of topics, including:
The idea of “finitude,” and why it matters;
Our “future-chasing mindset,” which prevents us from enjoying things;
How trying to achieve a perfect mastery over our time can make us miserable;
Where impatience comes from;
The usefulness of productivity advice;
The costs of hoarding our time;
..and more.
Four Thousand Weeksis an incredible read. It covers not just how we should manage our time, but also the place time management should have in our life in the first place. I highly recommend it.
You can listen (and subscribe) to the podcast below!