Speaker 2
And that makes sense. It's kind of funny because like, yeah, interdisciplinary types. And I feel similarly myself, I'm like, oh, I'm so excited by humans, whatever. But then I'm like, oh man, let's learn about like, um, how like all this like green, green cement and green steel and all that stuff. And so it's like doing both and being able to be super sciencey, but also super human sciencey is fun. And then yeah, the secrets of success and, and we're just people in the world. And that once you start, once you see that, that's just a huge level up. You're like, oh man, there's this cultural fabric that exists out there. And our minds are consuming this cultural fabric. And one of the key Rubicon's of what, you know, the key, the things that we couldn't get, you know, a key transition moments in human history was in, uh, 70,000 years ago, a bunch of sapiens. And once the amount of cultural evolution kind of accumulated throughout a generation, then it was like, oh man, now we're gaining more of this, you know, this cultural fabric than we lose. And then that just kind of, um, then we got all the things that we know today. Um, so yeah, that trying to like do a similar thing, uh, and thinking kind of cultural fabric, collective velintelle, how do all these different agents interacting produce some kind of weird, emergent behavior that's a juicy intellectual stuff for interdisciplinary folks like yourself. So let's talk about collective intelligence project then. What, um, what is it and how did you all come to start building it?
Speaker 1
Yeah, totally. Um, so the collective intelligence project or C.E.K.E as we call it, um, because my name is long, um, is a incubator for new governance models for transformers for, okay, incubator for new governance models for transformative technology. Um, so essentially we are focusing on the R and D of collective intelligence capabilities, which are to us, um, decision making technologies and processes and institutions that expand a group's capacity to construct and cooperate towards shared goals. That was like kind of a mouthful, but essentially, you know, like ways that we can create shared goals together, um, or sort of ways of being, um, and, uh, kind of make them happen.