Speaker 1
Everything's going to fall into place. I'll be the real me. I'll finally be satisfied and happy. But until then, if i don't lose that amount of pounds, i can't really be satisfied and happy. Now, for you, it's not like we're talking there're people who who wish to lose a hundred pounds. There's people who wish to lose more than that. There's people wish to lose 75 or 50. For you, we're talking about a small amount. So my alert light comes on. And what i want to suggest to you is that i would love to see you experiment and go on a no losing pounds diet, a mental diet, an arilnal diet, where is your body, pretend this is going to be the body that you own for the rest of your life. Ye, ye, ye. Stop trying to change it. Yes, live your life, because it's, it's going to be draining your energy in the background, and it's going to always make you smaller in your energy field. It's going to make you smaller in your power because, oh, you're not quite the person that you should be. Ye, yes. Ye ye. That's so good. And it's so funny, because i actually did what you were describing. I don't know about, i can't remember how many years ago, i lost all the weight, luk. I got down to, i don't know, seven stone 12 or eight stone, whatever. You know, i just looked hungry. No, like my friends wele i, oh, i didn't want to say, but you were so thin, you know, you seemed so happy about it. But there was some thing, and then i realized that my life didn't change, you know, nothing. I didn't suddenly have the perfect life because i was, then i just looked hungry and em yes. So i kind of, i've mostly learnt that lesson, but i think it's really good having your reminder. You know, what if i was to just forget the pounds and just live my life a at this size, and see what happens? Yes. And not only live your life at this size, but embrace yourself. Elaread it. Make this the right you. I'm going to settle for this. You're not settling settling. This is about making who you are right, making it good, making it lovable. I mean, think about it, do your best friends say to you? He tish, you knowd we love you, but we'd really love you more if you lost six or seven pounds, andaand just just just get there and we're going to o god, you gant be my best friend ever. It's not so silly. Ye, thatn you. You would never accept that from your best friend. You would never accept that from your loved one. Are you a parent? No, no. You would never say that to a young person.