How does the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer help us think ethically about the climate crisis? What is the shape of theology in the Anthropocene? In this conversation my co-host Dr. Jeff Pugh and I are joined by Dr. Dianne Rayson to discuss her work on Bonhoeffer and ecology.
This was one of the live stream sessions from the online class Bonhoeffer and the Future of Faith. To access Dr. Rayson’s and all the other contributor’s amazing lectures head over here. These live streams were inspired by the contributor’s lecture, thier reading selection from Bonhoeffer, and class member questions.
Di Rayson is Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ethics at Pacific Theological College in Suva, Fiji and is an ecotheologian and Bonhoeffer scholar, having published widely. Her first book was Bonhoeffer and Climate Change: Theology and Ethics for the Anthropocene.
Di is co-convenor of the upcoming XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress in Sydney, Australia in January 2024.
Prior to becoming a theologian she had an extensive career in public health and social policy in Australia and the Pacific. Di is an Anglican lay preacher, singer and cellist. When in Australia she lives on a small farm between the mountains and the sea.
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