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0:00 Introduction
0:28 How should churches handle bathroom situations for transgender individuals? Different for teens and adults?
8:18 Your recent video with Sean McDowell...I noticed increased tension. Did this affect your friendship?
13:19 Knowing what you know, how do you handle being around Pro-Israel Christians and/or are insensitive toward what's going in Palestine?
20:55 In the "Upside Down Kingdom Bible", yuoiur commentary on Genesis 9:18-27 surprised me. How do we know "rape" vs. "mockery" happened here?
25:13 If both sexes are called to be Christlike and exhibit the fruit of the spirit, does it make sense to be called a "Biblical Man or Women?"
37:13 Should we talk to our kids about masturbation?
39:00 While the Bible seems to approve of wine, does it suggest that beer and hard liquor lack the same biblical support?
43:09 Thoughts on the "Man of lawlessness" in 2 Thess. 2:3. Is it a future antichrist? I'm unsure.
46:48 Was Jesus as God capable of sin?
48:19 Any tips for preparing for a daughter's wedding?
52:55 Were Paul's letters written before the gospels? How do we know?
55:53 How would you address folks who disagree with fundamental theological convictions of a church community, but insist on remaining in the church and promoting disagreement?
58:55 Is it unbiblical for a woman to explain and lead communion?
1:01:55 What is the difference between Luke 12:19 and the American idea of retirement?
1:06:13 How do you respond to the criticism that the "Upside Down Kingdom Bible" isn't a study Bible, but a special-interest Bible?
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