From tackling low economic growth to addressing regional inequalities, from adapting to climate change to transforming public service performance, UK government is facing substantial and urgent challenges. But without radical reform of the centre of government, whoever wins the next election will repeat the failures of previous administrations. The next prime minister must transform No.10, the Cabinet Office and the Treasury.
On Monday 11 March, The Rt Hon Sir John Major KG CH and The Rt Hon Gordon Brown spoke at the Institute for Government to launch the final report of the Commission on the Centre of Government. It sets out a plan – ambitious but deliverable – for reforming the centre of government.
Over the last year the IfG’s Centre Commission has been speaking to people who have worked at the heart of government in the UK and overseas, to devolved governments, industry and civil society leaders and community leaders. Our conclusion is that the centre of government is not equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Fundamental change is needed – and it cannot wait.
The first part of the event featured opening speeches from Sir John Major and Gordon Brown. This was followed by panel discussion of the core recommendations of the report. For this discussion we were delighted to be joined by:
• Baroness (Louise) Casey, a Commissioner who supported the project, and a crossbench peer and former civil servant
• Lord (Gus) O'Donnell, former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service
• Sir Anthony Seldon, Deputy Chair of the Commission on the Centre of Government.
The panel was chaired by Dr Hannah White, Director of the Institute for Government and Chair of the Commission on the Centre of Government. This event was supported by a grant from Charities Aid Foundation.
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