On this episode, we welcome Mary Dwyer who has been practicing Centering Prayer for over 30 years. In the early 1990’s she lived in Chrysalis House, a contemplative community experiment blessed by Father Thomas, which became an incubator of practice and programs in the early years of growth for Contemplative Outreach and Centering Prayer. She attended Georgetown University and majored in economics, later she went back to school and became a licensed social worker. Mary is currently in private practice as a social worker, while serving Contemplative Outreach as a member of the community, welcoming service team, a chairperson for Contemplative Outreach, and a member of the faculty. Mary has been in complete service to the Contemplative Outreach community. We are so grateful to have her on the show.
To connect further with us:Season 2 of
Opening Minds, Opening Hearts was made possible by a grant from the
Trust for the Meditation Process, a charitable foundation encouraging meditation, mindfulness, and contemplative prayer.
This episode of
Opening Minds, Opening Hearts is produced by Crys & Tiana LLC
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