Russia’s recent claims about hacking a Canadian gas pipeline must be taken with deadly seriousness, and not just by pipeline companies, but Canadians at large.
A document leak allegedly caused by a 21 year old cyber transport professional working inside the US security services contained a story that a shadowy Russian cyber team had successfully hacked into the operations of a Canadian gas pipeline system and with disruptive intent.
The European nations with Arctic exposure have been investing with renewed emphasis in their northern Arctic flank now that the Russian threat has been exposed. The Nordic countries recognize that the security umbrella of NATO is but one element of a broader strategic defensive stance, and that stance must be bolstered with real assets and investments in the North.
The conflict in Europe between Russia and Ukraine is but one of a number of global moves that threaten the rules-based order. China has been making the same, if more subtle, noises about invading Taiwan. North Korea is perfecting its intercontinental strike capability. Iran will soon be nuclear armed. We need to be prepared.