"We want to look at the power differential, particularly in shelters," she says. "When we looked at it in that way, in that frame, everybody got it and said, oh my god, you know, we would never think of doing that." It lowered the threshold for people come into the shelters, obviously. And had also found a way to facilita in the shelter and not feel more ashamed of their behavior.
Episode notes
In episode eight we talk with Dee-Dee Stout, clinician, trainer, and author on the intersection between Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Trauma Informed Practice (TIP). Dee-Dee discusses how not focusing on symptoms in favour of engagement with clients who have experienced trauma can make the work more effective and rewarding for the client and practitioner alike.
Here is an indexed list of topics:
0:00 – Opening/Introduction
4:30 – What is Trauma Informed Practice? (TIP)
8:00 – Transforming the System: Application of TIP in a Domestic Violence Shelter
21:00 – Collaboration and Engagement
23:45 – Autonomy Support
27:45 – More on Engagement and the MI Spirit
39:45 – Moving Beyond Symptoms in Clinical Settings
44:45 – Recent Interests: MI and TIP with Families – Families for Sensible Drug Policy
49:10 – Closing
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