Speaker 1
can you introduce yourself? Oh, my name's aidin church. I was a wildernis guide for four years. Now, my recreationall me poop in the woods. The brave and wise. Aden church, adan, thank you for talking about poop with me. I like talking about poop. And i don't think it's imateur i think it's important when it serves a function like this. And so if you have some poop advice, i would love to hear it. Give me a call on the poop line. Eight four, four, nine, three, five. Poop, just getting it's eight four, four, three, five best. Eight four, four, nine three, five, best. Ah, you won't be surprised to hear that this isn't the first poop episode of the show, i had doctor kera newmanon. She is a gastro enterologist, an epidemiologist. And her poop advice was that there's no right number of bell movements to have. I think a lot of people get sold this kind of bill of goods. Thant. You nead to have one perfect bell movement a day that should look like a snake made out of toothpace. And if you don't do that, then there's something wrong with you. But really, and truly, there people who oo more than that, less than that, different consistencies, and that may just be their normal. O, i think that would be the thing that i would tell people. It's going to put so many people at ease, i hope so. I an thoe, so many butts at ease. He a, atfully, hopefully. Yon ther sefenly, stuff that we tell people to watch for an the'relike, blood is not a normal thing that should be in poo. Black tar like pop can sometimes be blood that's been digested. Youh these are things that i want people to know that they should be concerned about. But most, o, most of the is just a sign that the body is doing what its supposed to do. And that's a wonderful thing. Again, i would love your poop advice. Eight, four, four, nine, three, five, best. Thanks for listening.