Has your life been turned upside down by the end of a relationship, job loss, death of someone you love, a diagnosis, or any other unexpected blow? This episode is a MUST LISTEN.
Kris Carr — New York Times bestselling author, cancer thriver, and my best friend — is on #MarieTV today to help you navigate big emotions like grief, rage, fear, and shame. Learn science-backed tips to pick up the pieces of your life and move forward.
WHAT’S COVERED IN THIS EPISODE: Living with incurable stage 4 cancer [2:55] Avoid this 3-letter word when crisis strikes [5:14] Partying on “The Grief Train” [7:52] Fear Vs. Anxiety [11:11] How to instantly soothe your nervous system (It works!) [14:58] Stop trying to fix people! [16:56] The power of acceptance [21:39] What is surrender? [23:28] Making these your “Golden Years” [28:37] How to deal with anger, fear, and resentment [38:35] How to comfort someone who’s in pain [48:32] A conversation with a psychic medium [53:55] Kris Carr’s biggest regret in life [57:20] How to move on after loss, crisis, or trauma [59:29]
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MORE RESOURCES FOR YOU: Kris Carr’s new book, I’m Not a Mourning Person, hits bookshelves TODAY. Grab your copy here → https://www.amazon.com/Im-Not-Mourning-Person-Emotions/dp/1401970060/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1695066903&sr=8-1
Ready to take back control of your time, energy, and life — and make THESE your Golden Years? I’ll show you how. Become a Time Genius now before doors close → https://jointimegenius.com/enroll
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