A historic Dreamland moment: Jim Semivan returns with a recording of the first-ever question and answer between a CIA Officer who is also a close encounter experiencer and members of the public. First recorded as a subscriber Q&A, we feel that this extraordinary event deserves wide public exposure. It is proof that experiencers have sophisticated insight into the real issues and are well capable of participating in a productive dialog about what close encounter means.
This unique show is part of Dreamland and Unknowncountry’s ongoing process of going deeper into the close encounter experience. We are committed to exploring all viewpoints without drawing any final conclusions about this very complex, subtle and powerful experience. It is, by far, the most complex thing that has happened in the modern world, and probably in all human experience. The questions you will hear asked in this show are proof that the close encounter community is capable of meeting the challenge, and that we can lead the way toward solid, clear understanding of the experience and how to use it for the benefit of mankind.
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