Join Dr. Kiltz and special guest Dane Johnson as he shares his incredible story and journey of self-healing from a life-threatening case of irritable bowel disease (IBD).
At 23 years old, and at the height of his modeling career, Dane Johnson was diagnosed with both severe Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s Disease. His life was torn apart. Ironically, Dane was being paid to be healthy, and fit, but behind closed doors he was suffering from severe IBD.
Over the next 4 years, he lost 60lbs of weight, had 20 bloody bowel movements a day, extreme pain, anemia, no energy, sleepless nights, and eventually was struggling to save his own life. After years of these unbearable symptoms, ineffective steroids, antibiotics, and biologics, he was completely unrecognizable stuck in a mental prison. In 2014, Dane’s life came to a breaking point when his entire family flew to the hospital for his near death experience from IBD complications. Dane realized the only way he would regain his life and his freedom would be to do it himself, to become the CEO of his health.
Fast forward 10 years, Dane not only was able to fully recover from this experience naturally, but has helped thousands of people around the world do the same. He has become one of the most successful IBD healers in the world but more importantly a visionary for true healing. He is now the CEO and Founder of Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle, the largest and most successful IBD consulting firm globally. His team accompanied with licensed physicians now has over 1000+ testimonies worldwide of all ages, cultures and extreme experiences.
Dane is classically trained as a Board Certified Functional Nutritionist, but his larger vision is to continue to create real solutions and systems that will revolutionize IBD.
In this episode you will discover:
Tips for taking control of your life
The root cause of most disease
Mind v.s. matter – who is in control
The importance of food/meal prep
Thoughts on western medicine
Connect with Dane:
CCL Website
Connect more with Dr. Kiltz:
Kiltz Mighty Tribe - Free membership and 30-Day Course
Doctor Kiltz Nutritional Solutions