Speaker 1
So the second are your mediums. What are the mediums that come through you? Do you love to speak? And how do you love to speak on stage? You have to speak one to one with people. Do you love to tell stories? Do you love to coach? Do you have to write? Is it long form? Is it short form? Is it blog writing? Novel writing? Legal writing? And getting as specific as possible. Do you love to plan? Is it events? Is it parties? Is it fundraisers? you love to put together spreadsheets? What kind of spreadsheets? So really looking at the mediums that come through you, and you're going to write those all down in the second category. Then we're going to look at the obstacles that you have overcome or helped someone else overcome. So maybe you have overcome the obstacle of a health challenge like myself. So through overcoming that health challenge, you learned a lot of wisdom. You learned how to take care of your body and how to support it, and that is something that you can now share with other people. And in fact, it makes you the best expert because you personally went through it. So you know the fears, you know the thoughts, you know what it feels like to go to tons of doctors and them not giving you the answer to any problem. You know what it's like for a personal level better than an expert who's studied it theoretically but has never experienced it themselves. So I see a lot of us, especially those of us who are still kind of like millennials and older, we're like, oh my God, I need to like have my PhD and something to talk about it. But if you had anxiety, would you rather go to a coach that said, I studied anxiety in the top books for the past 20 years, never had it a day in my life, but this book describes it like this. So let me tell you what the research says. And every time you tell them about anxiety, this looks like it's PTSD, this diagnosis, this, I've read about this too. Without helping more with your anxiety or cause more anxiety? Or someone that says, yeah, I used to have really debilitating panic attacks. And the truth is some mornings I still wake up with anxiety, but here are the exact practices that I do. And this is what made me move from panic attacks to just kind of feeling anxiety slightly sometimes and able to move through it really quickly. This is exactly I did. Where are you going to feel more safe? Where are you going to feel more seen? Where are you going to feel more trust? I think all of us would rather go to the person who actually moved through the anxiety and found their way on the other side than the person who's just researched it, but has never actually experienced it. So you overcoming an issue yourself makes you an expert in your own life. And we're not saying that now you need to write a book on it necessarily, but through the coaching of it, you start to realize the stories that you tell and the research that you might now add on and the ways that you describe things. And that becomes your method that you may eventually write books about. Teach about in courses, share about on stages, host retreats about. But it starts with you sharing your journey with people who are just behind you in that specific journey. You know, I am coached by so many different people. I have, I love, I've been coached throughout my experience and continue to be coached. So I can very easily coach someone on, you know, stepping into their Dharma and living their full expression because I've been doing this for so long. And it comes very naturally to me. But I go to coaches who have been married for 30 years and, you know, who have experience in things that I don't have experience in when I am seeking that type of mentorship. So we all want to go to someone who has felt the way that we feel. So you having overcome those obstacles is what makes you the perfect coach for that person. And I always say your perfect client is a version of you three to seven years ago. So think about the obstacles you had between three to seven years ago. Maybe it was not knowing your path. Maybe it was depression. Maybe it was feeling overworked, burnt out. Comparison, judgment. These are the kinds of people who are struggling with that right now that you can coach, teach, inspire, lead. So the fourth category that we're going to go into is your excitement. What are you excited about? What are you Google searching or chat, GPTing? What podcasts are you listening to? What YouTube videos are you watching? What docu-series are you checking out? What conversations do you want to have with friends? What are the things you can't stop thinking about like what are the things you're just like obsessed with right now? You know, we all have those things that we're just like I want to learn everything about this subject So I always say excitement are the breadcrumbs guiding us towards our Dharma and looking back on the different like iterations of my Dharma It was always the thing that I was excited about a few years before. You know, like I was obsessed with healthy recipes and nutrition and positive psychology, and then Ayurveda, and that became my books, and that became what I taught about. And then I became obsessed with spirituality that I was teaching about Ayurveda, but I wanted to know more about my past lives and the meaning of life and these bigger conversations, which eventually became my podcast. And then I was obsessed with learning about my own Dharma and that eventually became Discover Your Dharma. And I was obsessed with, you know, how do I create a seven figure business? No one woman in my films ever works before. I come from Iran, the Middle East, where women are extremely suppressed. So I became obsessed with learning about business, creator of soul business mastery. You know, I kept going. And that's really what we've created here at highest self institute. It's all things that I have had to learn for myself that have found my way to the other side that I teach people with, but it always started with what I was just excited about. So what are the things that you're excited about? And one of the practices that we do in DCI, Dharma Coach Institute, is we have you write a list of everything you're excited about and categorize it. And you start to notice different categories of, hmm, I'm really excited about, you know, healing modalities, and I'm really excited about events, and I'm really excited about technology. And then we start to weave them together and through coaching, asking you the questions so you can remember the answers. Because guys, that's what coaching is, by the way, coaching is not having the answers. No one has the answers. I don't have the answers your Dharma you don't have the answers right we don't know only spirit knows but what you become as a coach is you become what I call Carmen Sandiego that you learn how to ask people really valuable questions and listen and hold space and be present and be attentive and in asking those questions and being present with them, their soul is able to whisper to them the answers that the busyness of their mind would have never allowed them to hear. So you essentially create the space for the divine for their own intuition to come through. So instead of me telling you, hey, your dharma is to create a photo gallery of, you know, a woman who experienced postpartum depression and take before and after pictures of them. Like this, like, what, where, where'd that come from? However, you know, I was paired with a stranger on the streets of Boston with literally a sign that says, I will help you find your purpose in three hours through sitting with her and doing this exact practice. I'm telling you right now, the Dharma Blueprint, that was her Dharma. A complete stranger. And I'll link that video below. I did it with Sky Cohen's On The Sky Life YouTube channel. It was amazing. You witnessed it happening in real time. And this was just a stranger on the street that just by asking her the right questions, holding space became the biggest project of her life. And she's gone on to become a Dharma coach as well, which is so freaking crazy because stranger on the street, power of synchronicities, you meet the right person at the right time. So what are you excited about? Cause it's always guiding you. And the fifth category in the Dharma blueprint are your superpowers. What are your superpowers? What are the things that people compliment you on that you might just like kind of take for granted. But let's be real, like you don't give out compliments to everyone on anything, you know, if you're complimenting someone on something, you really see it in them. But we're so used to getting the same kind of compliments and feedback all the time that we're just like, Oh, everyone says that to everyone, but they don't. So people tell you like, wow, like you have such beautiful energy. don't say that to everyone. Hell no, we don't say that to everyone. Very, very few people we say that to. They're saying that to you. Take it. If they're saying, wow, you have such an amazing way of making me feel seen and heard. That's a compliment to you. Wow, you have such a great way of taking complex subject matters and making them easy to understand. That's to you. Wow, you have such a beautiful home. I always feel so welcome when I'm here. You throw such beautiful dinner parties. That's a compliment to you. the things people have seen in you. And sometimes it only comes from like when we're working with other people, we're like, wait, not everyone's like this. And we realize our uniqueness. And that's our magic sauce. That's our superpower. And your superpower, I believe your soul chose prior to incarnation, because it knew is the exact gift you needed to unlock your Dharma. So what's your super? And we got lots of practice in the Dharma coaching program to help you remember yours. So we bring all five categories together and we've got the Dharma blueprint. So what you actually do is you'll write these all down and you like put on your fridge stare at it and let it start communicating to you because there you have the blueprint of your soul. And Dharma Blueprint allows us to take our Dharma and direct it towards something. Because the question of like, what is your Dharma? Well, truthfully, I believe all of our Dharma is on the highest level is the same. We're all here to raise consciousness. We're all here to do it in different ways. We all have unique gifts, personalities, expressions, experiences, life, wisdom. And this is going to inform how we are here to raise consciousness. Someone's Dharma may be to clean the oceans and someone's Dharma may be to build a spaceship and someone's Dharma may be to create new educational systems and someone's Dharma may be to change your food system. We need them all. So that's the beauty of the Dharma blueprint. It takes this like lofty big question of like, what's the meaning of my life? And to where can I my energy on next? And the Dharma Blueprint evolves as you do, because you're going to come back to this practice a year from now, you're going to get different things because you have different life experiences. Different things you're excited about, different archetypes coming online. And that's going to shift your focus. So this is one of the many tools we teach you in the Dharma Coaching Institute's six month program, which is now open. So if you are interested and curious in diving deeper into your own soul's expression and to study with me, I teach this live every single week. You'll be on live Q&A calls with me, getting your questions answered. I laser coach if you want to ever be coached by me. This is the only container that I do that. And we have such a beautiful, robust curriculum. We've been developing for over five years now. Graduated over 2,500 students. We're recognized by the International Coaching Federation. So you know you're getting the highest gold star standard of coaching. This is a nonprofit organization that looks at coaching institutes, that has looked at our curriculum. So you know that it's not just like one of those online courses that's like some bullshit, like this is some real shit. And you're going to learn so much and actually learn how to apply it in your life. So whether you are interested in your own Dharma or you actually want to be a Dharma sole purpose coach, being amongst the first ever. This is the moment. So I've also created three part video series below. So in this video series, I share more about what it means to be a Dharma coach, the conceptual age that we're in right now, because the truth is, most people think we're in the information age, right? Like everyone's talking about the information age. And before that, we were in the industrial age. And before that we were in the agricultural age. But actually in 2020, we shifted ages into the conceptual age. So now it's no longer about what information you know, but rather it's how you synthesize and conceptualize this information. And the people who know how to do that are going to be the people who have the most access to resources, you know, because the truth is now with AI, it's very easy to have information. Like you can just like, look up anything you can look up a four year college degree. But the thing is, most people are confused. They're lost, they're lacking in direction, they don't know what's right for them. They're overwhelmed with the possibilities. And they're in fear, they're in that anxiety that we were talking about of, is my job going to be replaced? And how am I going to provide? And what's going to happen next? And when we're in that fear, we don't see the greater picture. We definitely can't listen to our intuition. And then we're not able to see our Dharma. So as a Dharma coach, you learn how to first of all, remember your own soul's purpose, because it's not about finding it, it's about remembering it. But next, you get to hold that space for other people to remember theirs as well, which is the most powerful thing you can ever do in this lifetime. To allow someone to remember their soul's freaking expression is like, there's no greater feeling on earth. So we give you the exact tools, the frameworks, the practices, the questions to ask, the agreements you need, the forms. We break it down into how to coach someone through a one-month program, a three-month program, a six-month program, exactly how to organize every single one of these sessions, and then lots of time to practice. So from session one, you're gonna hit the ground running with practice coaching because let's be real, I've done a lot of certifications that it's just more information, it's in the information age, but not a lot of embodiment. And I believe the only way that we can learn how to be a coach is to embody that wisdom and start living as a coach, start asking those questions. And that's actually how we gain that confidence and experience that as soon as you graduate, you can feel comfortable charging $150, $200 a session. Because you feel confident in knowing how to coach. You know, 90% plus of people who do coaching certifications around, you know, globally, never become coaches. And for us, it's like, typically find around 50 to 75% of our students are here to be a coach. Why? Because they start coaching from the get go. We put them in the mindset of being a coach from week one. So if you are actually wanting to practice something to learn this craft, whether you want to do it professionally or not, but you want to walk away from six months knowing that I have a new tool in my toolkit. I know how to coach. I know how to hold space, which I can then apply to my children. I can apply to my friends. I can apply to my colleagues. Or I can make a coaching business where I can write books. I can be a speaker. I can host retreats. I can be a thought leader. I can make an impact, I can use my story and share it with the world and be of service in the way that only I can through living my dharma. And that's the beauty of this work. You get to be you full time. You don't have to have that split that you probably have where there's the version of you at work and the version of you outside of work. And you have to like kind of put on a mask and pretend to be this person that you actually have outgrown. But instead you get to be you full time. You get to share the things you're excited about while you're excited about them. You get to be friends with people who meet you at the soul level that you are at today. You had to share your wisdom and know that your pain was not in vain, but rather came for a greater purpose, to be of service. And there's nothing that heals trauma than taking the wisdom and using it to benefit humanity. Because then you're like, I went through all of that, like, for me to share this, like, I would do it again. I honestly would do it again. For me, 100% going through my health challenges, going through the infidelity that led to my divorce, I would go through all of that shit again. It was the hardest things in my life. But it led to me being this version of me today and being able to share that with you and to show you that it's possible. And that's the beauty of this is you get to be a permission slip to other people. People who might feel like they are broken. People who might feel like they're too late, they're not interesting enough, they have too much trauma, whatever the thing is. So therefore they cannot ever live lives that they love. You get to show people that that's possible. And you get to show people that you get to be handsomely rewarded for it. That spiritual people don't have to be broke. There's nothing spiritual about being broke and not living your purpose. Because guess what happens when you're not making money doing what you love, you have to make money doing something else. And making money doing something else means taking a job that's not aligned with your dharma, it's going to lower your vibration, make you depleted, and then you're not going to have that energy to be of service. You know, if I was working a nine to five job doing like, I don't know, real estate or something, I would not be able to show up on this podcast with the energy that I have, I have this energy because I live my life in devotion to my dharma. And that's the beauty of this work is the more you dive into it, you become more expanded as a person. There's more than demand for people, and then your business evolves and evolves and evolves. That I now make way more money than I would have ever made had I become a realtor, which by the way was the actual job path my parents were really pressuring me into going. I make more money now doing what I love, working less, and showing up being of service, getting to wear really cute hairstyles, period. And it all came because I focused on my dharma first. I wasn't like, I'm going to do the thing that makes the most money. For sure, I thought real estate would make me more money. But I knew every time I would study for that real estate exam, I'd start crying. I was like, I don't even believe in owning houses, I want to be free and travel the world and be free. Like, why am I doing this? But I thought, Oh, I need to do this to make money. No, committing to your dharma will lead to your ultimate abundance. And abundance isn't just money, by the way, but abundance in time, in freedom, in how you share your energy. That is a true abundant life. And you get to decide, you know, in the video series, which I will link below, in video two, I share all the different revenue models you can have by starting as a coach. So you might start as a one-on coach and go on to create a membership program. Go on to create a course. Go on to do master classes. Go on to lead retreats. Do corporate wellness. And I share with you the breakdown of all of those. So if any of this is interesting for you, you're curious, you just want to kind of like learn more and be in the flow or take the next step or join us right now for Dharma Coaching Institute, which doors are open right now. We only launched this annually. So this is your moment right now to actually join us, be part of the live cohort where I will be doing the Q&A's live with my business partner, Dr. Neetha Bhushan, who's gonna be teaching you all about emotional psychology and all of the like nitty gritty of coaching. We really take off the hood of the car in DCI, and we show you like to find your niche. What to do if the client situation looks like this. How to show up if this situation happens. Again, between the two of us, I have 10 years of coaching experience, as does she, working one-on with people. And so we bring all of that wisdom to you. That would have taken you 20 years to acquire. We bring it to you in just six months. As well as her husband Ajit, who teaches the business module and is a business, he's a coaching business mentor for eight figure businesses and has trained tens of thousands of coaches, you know, the co-founder of Ever Coach by Mindvalley. Like I'm talking, we are doing incredible things and we take all that wisdom in the thing that has actually moved the needle for us and we teach it to you in the Dharma Coaching Institute program. So if you're curious, you want to sign up, save your spot or book a call with our enrollment officer, ask more questions, learn more about the program, see if it's a fit for you, get your questions answered, dive in deeper. We will have those links below. So we have the link for the Dharma Coaching Institute enrollment as well as the three-part video series where I talk more about the conceptual age, the opportunities for revenue models, and why now, especially with AI, is the time for sole purpose coaches. You know, it's like what the mainstream media tries to tell us is the fear mongering again, to take us out of our power. But actually right now we can work with AI and actually help people right now who have the information overload through AI into remembering their intuition. And that is a superpower that will never be replaced. So if you're curious, I got both of those links below to join us to join the three part video series. And I'm so excited to hopefully welcome you into our Dharma Koshi Institute family. All right. Thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you in the next one.