Discussion on the fraudulent trading of individuals' Social Security bonds and the implications on taxation and labor exploitation.
Episode notes
In this Episode, Aaron & J-Griff Explore some of the most CONTROVERSIAL, Historical, Rabbit Holes (surrounding the United States) YET.
Today's 'Rabbit Hole' Series Explores: 📌 The Secret Bilderberg Group, Who Is In It, & What Their Plans for the World Are 📌 How the Alphabet "Government" Agencies Actually Have ZERO Relation to the Government & Are Privately Owned Corporations 📌 How the United Nations issues U.S. Citizens their SSN's, not the U.S. Government (& What this Really Means) 📌 How Police & Service Members DO NOT Actually Have a Duty to Protect You & I, but Rather, to Protect the Corporation(s) they Work For 📌 & More!