This week on the show, as the war in Ukraine marks two years since Russia's invasion, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski joins Fareed to discuss Donald Trump’s comments about letting Russia “do whatever the hell they want” with NATO countries that don’t “pay [their] own bills” and what Ukraine’s war effort would look like without US support.
Then, El Salvador was the most dangerous country in the world, now it’s safer than the US. American Quarterly Editor-in-Chief Brian Winter fills Fareed in on the person in charge of that transformation, Nayib Bukele, and how it came at great cost to human rights and rule of law.
Next, Dara Horn, author of "People Love Dead Jews", discusses with Fareed how the war in Gaza has led to a rise in antisemitism and "Why the Most Educated People in America Fall for Antisemitic Lies" (as her recent article for The Atlantic was titled).
Finally, Fareed looks at what appear to be stunning results of Indonesia’s recent Presidential election.
GUEST: Radoslaw Sikorski @sikorskiradek, Brian Winter @BrazilBrian, Dara Horn @DaraHorn,
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