Time is the most precious resource in any environment, but it does not often get treated that way at work. Talented workers’ time gets eaten up by meetings, reducing their “flow” and productivity. Matt Martin, joins the show today to talk about changing the culture of scheduling with a little help from technology.
Matt is the CEO and Co-Founder of Clockwise, a very popular calendar tool that's unlocked over six million hours of focus time for employees and resolved four million meeting conflicts. With a heavy dose of ML heuristics and a little bit of AI, Clockwise coordinates meetings so everybody involved gets the best schedule possible, opening up time for workers to reach deep flow states. Clockwise also shares the scheduling analytics with all users so everyone can reflect on how they spent their time, allowing them to adjust as needed.
Take a listen as we discuss the illusion of productivity, deep work, attention residue, and changing cultural norms.
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To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/pods.
We talk about:
- The changing technical landscape around work meetings
- How to think about time ROI
- The importance of “focus time”
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Produced by NOVA Media