One of the great differences between Athens and Jerusalem is that while Athens was the early master of philosophical inquiry, Jerusalem became the early master of storytelling. The Bible is the source for the greatest stories ever told—what Rabbi Sacks call “philosophy in the narrative mode”. And at least in terms of scale, perhaps the greatest storytelling civilization after ancient Israel is America since the invention of modern media. And, of course, it’s no accident that one of the most profound influences on American society is actually the texts, values and ideas of ancient Israel.
So how should we understand this legacy of storytelling from ancient times to today?
On this episode, Ari unpacked all of this with Jordan Gorfinkel, AKA Gorf, one of the great creators and writers for DC Comics—creator of the legendary No Man’s Land run in the Batman series; and creator of the Birds of Prey franchise—as well as author of the Passover Haggadah Graphic Novel. They talked the Good Faith Effort Drinking Game™; the influence of Genesis on one of the most iconic Batman comic runs; Gotham as Sodom and Gomorrah; the role of humor in great storytelling; the different eras of Batman; the creation of the Birds of Prey franchise; why Gorf had to skip dinner with Mark Hamill; whether pop culture can be sanctified; Rabbi Norman Lamm’s influence on comic books (!); and much more!
Good Faith Effort is a production of Bnai Zion and SoulShop.